where were you?

Roly D Sauce

Bent Rims and Tickets v.1
Staff member
On 9/11

6th grade science class.school just started.i was walking up to the classroom and saw the lights off with the t.v on..i was like ohh shit movie time ***** yeaaah.sat down and saw what was going on.i thought it was a movie till I saw the date on the news....my heart dropped cuz my cuzin and aunt worked up the street from the towers..i was freaking out.parents where picking up kids and shit. It was a scary/horrivle feeling.

Btw today is my nieces bday....sigh.

9 th grade in 2nd period ap biology. My former boss and two of my cousins work on the 32 and 44th floor of one of the buildings. This was one of the worst feelings... thinking you are seeing a family member and thousands of people being murdered on national tv. I remember my mom picked me up not even an hour after the first plane hit cause one of her friends said they where going to Target other cities. Thank god my cousins where on vacation in cali and my boss was driving to work.
9th grade health class @ Piper high school. After the first one got hit we watched it and had to turn the tv off to start back class. Then we heard about the 2nd plane. We didn't turn it off after that.
working at executive airport ....all airports shut down that day but we still worked since we are a maintenance company! very sad day!
Broward County Courthouse off off Pines Blvd, room 240. They evacuated the building after the second plane hit and they realized what was really going on.
In South America (in a 3rd world country) and did not find out what happened until 2 days later after it happened.
Msnbc is playing all of the coverage right now like it happened 9 years ago.
11th grade weight lifting class with Shanty boy. we were listening on the radio. I remember the teacher wasn't even taking it seriously...
elementary school, didnt know what happened untill my mom brang me home, and my uncle had just got let go from his job there 2 days eariler, and we had family friends in very close surrounding buildings
4th grade i lived in the bronx ny so 10 mins after the first hit they turn on the tv's and later all the parents went inside the classrooms to pull us out even the teachers were leaving
I was in Economics in 11th. Teacher got a call about an accident in New York, turned on the T.V. and we watched the footage of the first tower. At that point it was just another shocking image on the T.V. Everyone was just like "man that sucks, poor people". Then we watched live as the second plane hit. Everything just stopped, there was complete silence and my teacher said it. "We are under attack".
4rd grade i was just starting school and they turned on the tv and everyone was crying and stuff, i was kind of confused since i didnt really know what was going on. then the principal come on the intercom and asked if everyone could hold hands, so we did for about 20 mins.
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