where were you?

Skinny I dident know u lived in ct
all my family lives in Branford i was born in Hartford
I also lost some friends on 911
my buddy lost his parents that day

I was in 7th grade science
and by the end of the day the school was almost empty
in fl it was pretty scary
In 5th grade when my bus pulled up to school another bus driver came up to our bus and I could hear him telling our bus driver that a plane hit 1 WTC building. As I walked into school every class room had on the news. Every period that all we did was watch the news. I remember my gym teacher was very worried bc his daughter worked in the buildings. Parents started pulling kids from class it was crazy. 9-11-01 we will never forget.
I was in 3rd grade, in new york, about an hour from the city.They announced it over the speakers, and everyone was quiet. Then after the 2nd one hit, kids were getting picked up left and right, being brought home. Scaryest thing that has ever happened... Then I got home, and my mom was afraid to let me go out and play hockey because the terrorists would kidnap me, even though they were dead from the fire in the towers. Werd.
11st grade, i was sleeping in class and got woken up. i was pissed. i was having an awesome dream.
I was 19 at the time when the first plane had hit, I was in Sociology Class at Edison Community College in Naples. I was taking a test and I can remember it as clear as day that I had a sick pit feeling that something was going on. So after I got out of class I went to my truck and listened to the radio, it was still 0845 in the morning. As I was driving, I heard on the radio about the first tower being hit by an airplane. I called my Dad and told him that I thought we were under attack by terrorists and said I think it is Osama Bin Laden. I stayed on the phone all the way home and walked into the house and my Dad had already made it home from work. As I had walked in the door I saw the second plane hit and I just stood there and my assumptions were realized. Unfortunately I had to go to work but I was given till noon to get there due to what was going on. I told my Dad I wanted to sign up for the military right away and he said to me "that this was just the start of things and that it was gonna be a long time before it was over". How true that statement is even to this day.

Someone I knew from HS was already going into the military and was at MEPS in Miami and said Navy ships were visible up and down the coastline keeping watch. I will never forget 9/11. This was our Pearl Harbor and we SHOULD always keep it close to our hearts.
I wS in 10th grade history class, the teacher got a call n she just had this facial expression like WTF!, she turned on the tv n then we saw the second planes hit, so we were like oh shit we r in trouble, n then on the bottom of the screen they said that a plane hit the pentagon n then another plane crashed. It was pretty bad, alot of ppl in my class had family in ny so they were all trying to get ahold of their loved ones n calls wouldn't go through.
My dad was in Spain n was supposed to come back on the 12th so we were also worried about that

I hope that we never have to go through it again
I was in 7th grade science class, stuck on a stool for the next 4 hours while the school was in lock down.

It's also my birthday.
i was in 11th grade at Atlantic tech mech. and art. drafting class, my teacher got up out of his office and turned on the tv. i didnt really pay attention to what was happening when i saw it was the news i seat in the back so i didnt see the head lines so i went back to working on my designs, when the bell rang and since i had duel in enrollment i had to head back to my high school (piper high) when i got there i walked by the library and there was a crap load of ppl standing in front of the tv so i went in and i saw the head lines and finally hit me and my mouth drop, my cousin worked at the second tower. but got out when he saw the frist plane hit he ran for the stairs and didnt stop running until he got to the Brooklyn bridge.
that was a sad day
I was in 8th grade at Walter C. Young middle school. I forgot which class I was in but I remember not really understanding what I was looking at. Then later they explained the seriousness of the situation. I had planned to go home and celebrate my moms birthday and this event changed that indefinitely. Even till this day my moms birthday still isn't the same.
I was in 7th grade science class watching it on the news. then we switched classes and i went to geography and then we didnt switch classes after that.
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