What do you do?


People ask me, "what do I do?" Why do I dress up? Well I work for Transcontinental Lending Group "TLG" and I design marketing flyers for events, promotions, and mainly their company store. Its chill. Its nothing amazing but ay...Its just a stepping stone. :bigthumbu

Here's some samples.


Of course I'm posting this at work...haha
I process Flexable spending accounts for Ceridian Corp. :bigthumbu (Mon-fri)

Then on the weekends I am a freelance photographer for different automotive events.

Christopher B
I work at KO Performance, providing lowest price guarantee on most European OEM car parts, and some aftermarket.

We focus on *suspense*...................BMWs! :)

<3 the sales job.

- Erick
I used to be a Audio Engineer at House of Blues but quit that last Thursday.

Now I'm just an unemployed freelance audio engineer.
natariix said:

who said that was a bad thing?

well mon-thurs i work contruction building pools for you rich bastards!

fridays and sometimes saturdays i rebuild aircraft engines for those rich rednecks who love to go out on there airboats!
I work for Citrix Systems as a Return Material Authorization Administrator (RMA Admin). I process, track, report hardware orders that enhances server productivity and application delivery.

in other words...
I'm a glorified, overpaid, order entry rep. *cheesy grin* :bigthumbu

Oh.. and I'm a full time girlfriend of the GREATEST BOYFRIEND EVER!!!!
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i used to be a trainee for
Mercedes Benz and just recently found a job as a tech at Maroone chevy of miami :)
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