What do you do?

Only got 9 credit hours this semester b/c FAU's scheduling sucks.

But I also work full time as the network administrator at a prep school in Boca.
Inside Sales Representative for and Automotive Performance Wholeseller. i basically sit and talk to customers all day while on the forums. gained 10lbs since ive been here.
what miata? said:
umm hes a couple of stuff i got more on my other computer.


umm hes a couple of stuff i got more on my other computer.


other stuff









the job i love and hate it.... i mean its hard at times and they demand alot and out alot of pressure. but i love it and you dont get to do things like this everyday. i work with x f1 people you learn alot. the traveling is great ive been to almost all the major tracks in the u.s laguna seca, road atlanta, lime rock. you name it ive prob been there.
ill actually be going to laguna soon ill try to get some pic for you guys. im actually leave the shop prob soon getting a better job. tired of doing the wrenching i enjoy tunning and data acquisition. trying to get a job with motec, Porsche north america racing, or something in the area. teams are to unstable one year you got a big sponcer got alot of money they pull out then no racing no job.
anyways im talkin to much

Do u all race at the St. Pete Grand Prix?!

I <3 your job
i make video games...we are working on getting xbox live title...its close...i also video edit...composite stuff post effects the whole 9 yards i do everything but program on video games...
I make undwear for women...actually the company name is Victoria Secret....once the undies are done, a model will come in and try all of them on in front of me, then we decide if its good or bad
what miata? said:
"I work on rich peoples cars." lol same here but really rich

umm i work on race cars and pit at the track and travel............... todays work ferrari 360gt brakes pads, hats, rotors install new windshield pexie glass. start to install digital dash in prototype the usual.. if want pics haller

Anymore pics or specs on the mini cooper in the background on the first pic?

Tonymac said:
Only got 9 credit hours this semester b/c FAU's scheduling sucks.

But I also work full time as the network administrator at a prep school in Boca.

Which fau?...boca? When are you there...
Boca campus, yeah. I'm there M/W in the afternoons (5:30~) and T/Th in the mornings (until 12ish).
Aerok180 said:
I make undwear for women...actually the company name is Victoria Secret....once the undies are done, a model will come in and try all of them on in front of me, then we decide if its good or bad

pix or ban nigga!
Aerok180 said:
I make undwear for women...actually the company name is Victoria Secret....once the undies are done, a model will come in and try all of them on in front of me, then we decide if its good or bad

where do i sign up???? :laugh:
I work for Global Weath Investment Management at Bank of America. I talk to rich people all day long... while I cruise the forums and wish and pray I get to do what "What Miata?" does... Freelance photog in the spare time and if I can get back into school and get things done a Mechanical Engineer with my focus on automotive technology. I wanna use it in the automotive racing field.
DownSouthS13 said:
pix or ban nigga!

hahaha...i have a private portfolio locked and guarded at Suntrust Bank.....hahahhahaha its gonna cost u Rodd, to see these Top Secret Files....hahaha j/p homie, my job is depression....thats what i do during the day!
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