WARNING South Florida Scammer Anthony Swan Slidewayz.net

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ok so i just got the word that 240sxcamper is the same fuckin guy. Why the fuck do you keep coming on here nobody likes you nobody wants your stolen parts get a fuckin clue. By the way anthony swan swallows and his girl friend is a tranny. Thats right chicks with dicks twice the fun right bro. LMAO

If you look through his feedback its says thanks anthony so your caught budy now get the fuck out
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ok so i just got the word that 240sxcamper is the same fuckin guy. Why the fuck do you keep coming on here nobody likes you nobody wants your stolen parts get a fuckin clue. By the way anthony swan swallows and his girl friend is a tranny. Thats right chicks with dicks twice the fun right bro. LMAO

If you look through his feedback its says thanks anthony so your caught budy now get the fuck out

Ya my name is Anthony so what i am not the same guy i talk to him his IP is banned he gave up on coming on here he doesn't care no more he works 20hours a day and going to school to become a officer.
Ya my name is Anthony so what i am not the same guy i talk to him his IP is banned he gave up on coming on here he doesn't care no more he works 20hours a day and going to school to become a officer.

Hate to break it to you/him "The Anthony's".

Having a record of Fraud and Theft will sure help him become an officer alright.

Ignorance is Bless dont ya think?

And ofcourse Mr.Swan wouldnt care to come back here, his reputation is ruined, and will catch up with him Very soon.
Ya my name is Anthony so what i am not the same guy i talk to him his IP is banned he gave up on coming on here he doesn't care no more he works 20hours a day and going to school to become a officer.


ok so i just got the word that 240sxcamper is the same fuckin guy. Why the fuck do you keep coming on here nobody likes you nobody wants your stolen parts get a fuckin clue. By the way anthony swan swallows and his girl friend is a tranny. Thats right chicks with dicks twice the fun right bro. LMAO

If you look through his feedback its says thanks anthony so your caught budy now get the fuck out

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sorry but i have nothing against him i never once had a problem with anthony to me he seems like a pretty cool kid, he has changed mine and burninskulls tire plenty of times and when i bought my old pirry lip off him had a smooth transaction, why wait 10 months to start bitching?
why wait 10 months to start bitching?

Cause 1 day didnt work, 1 month didnt work.. so 10 months have gone by and still getting nowhere with the loser. Notice on June 7th The person asked for 5 new mafs cause they were all shit and he never replied back
iv never done ne bussiness with him.

Well then DONT!

he might not rip off people face to face, cause he is a wimp and a coward. People he doesnt meet face to face, IE: Shipping whether it be 1 hour away or 5000miles away he will fuck you over TIME AND TIME AGAIN.
yeah anthony fuckn tried to scam me to but i called his asss out, i finally got the bmc i paided for weeks later, the box showed up soaked in brake fluid, what a fuckn asshole!!!!!!
You guys are rediculous! Why don't you ignore each other or fight like men... quit being fairies behind a computer screen. Read bottom! Get addresses right when you post something your so sure of. Got mine not his you idiot!

Thread Is A Violation Of US Privacy Act... - using personal information to disadvantage of US citizen -

Title 18, Section 1834(ab)(1) originally provided that anyone who knowingly accesses a computer without authorization or exceeds authorized access and obtains classified information of someone or something "with the intent or reason to believe that such information so obtained is to be used to the injury of the United States, or to the advantage or disadvantage of a United States Citizen" is subject to a fine and/or imprisonment for not more that ten years (for a first offense).

Also 4063 South Congress Ave is not anths address it is mine so take my damn address off of this gay fight you guys are having.

See... Enjoy friends!
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You guys are rediculous! Why don't you ignore each other or fight like men... quit being fairies behind a computer screen. Read bottom! Get addresses right when you post something your so sure of. Got mine not his you idiot!

Thread Is A Violation Of US Privacy Act... - using personal information to disadvantage of US citizen -

Title 18, Section 1834(ab)(1) originally provided that anyone who knowingly accesses a computer without authorization or exceeds authorized access and obtains classified information of someone or something "with the intent or reason to believe that such information so obtained is to be used to the injury of the United States, or to the advantage or disadvantage of a United States Citizen" is subject to a fine and/or imprisonment for not more that ten years (for a first offense).

Also 4063 South Congress Ave is not anths address it is mine so take my damn address off of this gay fight you guys are having.

See... Enjoy friends!


First listing provided...

also all the above information is shared publicly online, does not exceed authorized access, need authorized access nor is classified. I believe Everything is covered by the 1st amendment regarding what was found and is said.
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First listing provided...

also all the above information is shared publicly online, does not exceed authorized access, need authorized access nor is classified. I believe Everything is covered by the 1st amendment regarding what was found and is said.

not really phone numbers emails birthday car tag pics stolen from personal sites is all private and is against the law. You can get sued for posting personal info. on the web and up to 10yrs. in jail lolol so goodluck buddy looks like your fucked. Also this can be consider harassment stalking and other things.

Also theres no address's for Anthony Swan so now your posting personal info.
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not really phone numbers emails birthday car tag pics stolen from personal sites is all private and is against the law. You can get sued for posting personal info. on the web and up to 10yrs. in jail lolol so goodluck buddy looks like your fucked. Also this can be consider harassment stalking and other things.

Also theres no address's for Anthony Swan so now your posting personal info.

You dont understand do you, once you upload personal pics and host them on facebook, myspace, hi5... they are no longer your property.. it would have been smart if Shithead censored out his licence plate so no one can see it, but once its uploaded its public and property of myspace.

If the pictures were STOLEN from his personal website which he hosts himself thats another story. but not in the case chump.
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