WARNING South Florida Scammer Anthony Swan Slidewayz.net

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this happens all the time hes not fucked at all lol

lol @ pl thinkin this guys gettin 10yrs for postin up pics of that fat bitch that everyone on myspace has already had to look at

stfu faggot


to bad its A Violation Of US Privacy Act so its breaking US Laws by doing this.Hes not making it up someone got sued for 200K for just posting pics of a chick he meet off cragislist and said he hooked up with her.
to bad its A Violation Of US Privacy Act so its breaking US Laws by doing this.Hes not making it up someone got sued for 200K for just posting pics of a chick he meet off cragislist and said he hooked up with her.

he is going to go to jail for 10 years or get sued for a quarter of a million dollars

yea your correct....

i got 10bucks that this fag and his wench get off with NOTHING they will be seen at future drift events in which NOONE will have the balls to call em out

all of you are pussies

thats is all
wow thats funny i just say this. i see his car all the time. any body need some payback?

what like an egg? lol

everyone is a PANK this is like the 100th forum sale controversy ive opened and they all end the same way with these fags walkin around happy as fuck with nothing to worry about cuz you pussies will go no farther than to


You dont understand do you, once you upload personal pics and host them on facebook, myspace, hi5... they are no longer your property.. it would have been smart if Shithead censored out his licence plate so no one can see it, but once its uploaded its public and property of myspace.

If the pictures were STOLEN from his personal website which he hosts himself thats another story. but not in the case chump.

There profiles are private. Also the way you used the photos are against the law. You are using there photos and a google earth image of there house and naming things around there house and telling everyone where hes going to be at. This info. can be used to harm this person and he will be held reliable for everything. Also its a threat to his life. Your using this info for local people around him to harm/destory his propriety. So tell me how you are not wrong?????

wow thats funny i just say this. i see his car all the time. any body need some payback?

Yep we know about this loser he's been banned a couple times from here. His girl has been too. The kid is a complete douche.

I mean we all know where to find this kid just go to the "drift meet" in west palm beach on thursdays hes always there talking shit but not doing a damn thing. Should we plan a beat down or something maybe this should be moved to tire tech so he cant read about said plan.

I think we should all go beat his ass then fuck his ugly girlfriend in the ass and make him watch LMAO

these 3 people would be held for question if anything happened to his propriety or him or his girlfriend. Also the poster "Martin Worobec" will be accountable for everything that will happen. Also Martin (240sxslide) you can change whatever you want on the site it was printed and screen shotted 1st sec. you posted it so goodluck.

Also seems like Anthony has alot of good feedback on here and no one has had problems with him. Only person talking shit is Martin being for his money back after 10months.

9. Protecting Copyrights and Other Intellectual Property. MySpace respects the intellectual property of others, and requires that our users do the same. You may not upload, embed, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any material that infringes any copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret or other proprietary rights of any person or entity.

????? hmmmmmmm guess your wrong. Also theres no address on whitepages. so boom your wrong again.

Also This Post needs to be deleted and that persons IP address needs to be banned cause he has a police report against this person and other charges that are against him. The police report stats that the google link posts to much personal info and can be possible identity theft and is harassment and stalking and endangerment to his/her lifes.
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There profiles are private. Also the way you used the photos are against the law. You are using there photos and a google earth image of there house and naming things around there house and telling everyone where hes going to be at. This info. can be used to harm this person and he will be held reliable for everything. Also its a threat to his life. Your using this info for local people around him to harm/destory his propriety. So tell me how you are not wrong?????

these 3 people would be held for question if anything happened to his propriety or him or his girlfriend. Also the poster "Martin Worobec" will be accountable for everything that will happen. Also Martin (240sxslide) you can change whatever you want on the site it was printed and screen shotted 1st sec. you posted it so goodluck.

Also seems like Anthony has alot of good feedback on here and no one has had problems with him. Only person talking shit is Martin being for his money back after 10months.

9. Protecting Copyrights and Other Intellectual Property. MySpace respects the intellectual property of others, and requires that our users do the same. You may not upload, embed, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any material that infringes any copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret or other proprietary rights of any person or entity.

????? hmmmmmmm guess your wrong. Also theres no address on whitepages. so boom your wrong again.

Also This Post needs to be deleted and that persons IP address needs to be banned cause he has a police report against this person and other charges that are against him. The police report stats that the google link posts to much personal info and can be possible identity theft and is harassment and stalking and endangerment to his/her lifes.

you know alot of info about him huh???? you prob suk his dick to? dont ya

Ban.......... 240sxcamper
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I say you all suck asshole.

All the dude posted is public info, and 99.98% of the time. Info found over the interwebs is not shit in court.

I say someone tandems into his car @ countyline.. I might slap a rear axle in my truck just to do it.
There profiles are private. Also the way you used the photos are against the law. You are using there photos and a google earth image of there house and naming things around there house and telling everyone where hes going to be at. This info. can be used to harm this person and he will be held reliable for everything. Also its a threat to his life. Your using this info for local people around him to harm/destory his propriety. So tell me how you are not wrong?????

these 3 people would be held for question if anything happened to his propriety or him or his girlfriend. Also the poster "Martin Worobec" will be accountable for everything that will happen. Also Martin (240sxslide) you can change whatever you want on the site it was printed and screen shotted 1st sec. you posted it so goodluck.

Also seems like Anthony has alot of good feedback on here and no one has had problems with him. Only person talking shit is Martin being for his money back after 10months.

9. Protecting Copyrights and Other Intellectual Property. MySpace respects the intellectual property of others, and requires that our users do the same. You may not upload, embed, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any material that infringes any copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret or other proprietary rights of any person or entity.

????? hmmmmmmm guess your wrong. Also theres no address on whitepages. so boom your wrong again.

Also This Post needs to be deleted and that persons IP address needs to be banned cause he has a police report against this person and other charges that are against him. The police report stats that the google link posts to much personal info and can be possible identity theft and is harassment and stalking and endangerment to his/her lifes.

LMAO good luck with that please call the cops on me for calling you out for ripping people off. Your insesant bitching on "his" behalf proves that you and "him" are one and the same now get the fuck off our forum
not really phone numbers emails birthday car tag pics stolen from personal sites is all private and is against the law. You can get sued for posting personal info. on the web and up to 10yrs. in jail lolol so goodluck buddy looks like your fucked. Also this can be consider harassment stalking and other things.

Also theres no address's for Anthony Swan so now your posting personal info.

u sir a a fuckn scumbag and a peice of shit! gtfo!!!
what like an egg? lol

everyone is a PANK this is like the 100th forum sale controversy ive opened and they all end the same way with these fags walkin around happy as fuck with nothing to worry about cuz you pussies will go no farther than to



Why do I agree with this X1000?. Damn no one here is hood I can see. Big ups for that mike
Why do I agree with this X1000?. Damn no one here is hood I can see. Big ups for that mike

guy in all honesty i live in kendall lol i am not from any type of bad neighborhood i just will never ever ever let anyone take anything from me ever nothing i will fucking hunt your ass down and get my shit back other ppl have diff ways of handling it and thats cool everyone does w.e. the fuck they want but yea the only thread youll ever see me posting when sumone steals my shit is "look i caught the faggot who took my shit (nws)" .

and this cocksucker thinks hes gon sue or get sumone locked up lmao

240camper u fucking little bitch u aint gonna do S H I T
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guy in all honesty i live in kendall lol i am not from any type of bad neighborhood i just will never ever ever let anyone take anything from me ever nothing i will fucking hunt your ass down and get my shit back other ppl have diff ways of handling it and thats cool everyone does w.e. the fuck they want but yea the only thread youll ever see me posting when sumone steals my shit is "look i caught the faggot who took my shit (nws)" .

and this cocksucker thinks hes gon sue or get sumone locked up lmao

240camper u fucking little bitch u aint gonna do S H I T

LMAO i agree 100% i get mine i also dont do business with people i dont know cause if someone rips me off someones gonna get hurt. I have a problem with this kid from back when they started sipping off my culture shirts. I was asked not to do anything by a good friend so i let it go. But if it was my company they would have been fucked. :bigthumbu

oh and i am from a very bad neighbor hood
he is going to go to jail for 10 years or get sued for a quarter of a million dollars

yea your correct....

i got 10bucks that this fag and his wench get off with NOTHING they will be seen at future drift events in which NOONE will have the balls to call em out

all of you are pussies

thats is all

I do not live in the USA. Haha Good luck extraditing me for calling out a faggot who did everyone else wrong with a trail to prove every accusation and I get in trouble? Fuck you anthony. At the time off all inquest, all images were public and free to share. After the LOSERS caught on that someone has found what scum they were then and after the fact they decided to make their usernames private. There are many more public records searches that still hold the address' correct to his findings.

Also seems like Anthony has alot of good feedback on here and no one has had problems with him. Only person talking shit is Martin being for his money back after 10months.

Are you on fucking crack? search slidewayzInc slidewayznet anthonyswan or any of the above even on this forum. And there is a sticky on his bad business..

Also Martin wanted his money back or all parts replaced on June 7th. and Ass fuck clown overthere, ignored him.
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Funny that everyone that posted on here that bought parts from Anthony posted good feedback.

I say you all suck asshole.

All the dude posted is public info, and 99.98% of the time. Info found over the interwebs is not shit in court.

I say someone tandems into his car @ countyline.. I might slap a rear axle in my truck just to do it.

If its all public info please find some stuff on him. The links the guy posted none of it works.

LMAO good luck with that please call the cops on me for calling you out for ripping people off. Your insesant bitching on "his" behalf proves that you and "him" are one and the same now get the fuck off our forum

No ones going to call the cops on you unless you do something which no one on here will everyone talked shit until the fairgrounds event and no one said a word.

LMAO i agree 100% i get mine i also dont do business with people i dont know cause if someone rips me off someones gonna get hurt. I have a problem with this kid from back when they started sipping off my culture shirts. I was asked not to do anything by a good friend so i let it go. But if it was my company they would have been fucked. :bigthumbu

oh and i am from a very bad neighbor hood

funny how you should say that one of the forums most of your guys best friends Suankee couldn't even make a shirt and fucked everyone on these forums and Zilvia. But yet Anthony offered this guy a refund 30day back money. Ask for pics of the products return them everything and 10 MONTHS LATER THERES NOTHING.

No one on these forums knows the laws and has nothing to says about my post beside the same out bullshit o we think hes a scammer cause one guy says so. Look like he has 10 positive feedbacks on this forum which he is banned from so that looks sad to me. This guy has posted pics of his house from google earth said "Now everyone see's the white mail boxes and tree's at the end of the street?" this can be considered as possible Home Invasion (BNE). At the top it says "This Webpage is a compilation of Events and Information about:" ya thats a real way of saying stalking info. Him posting on his local forums trying to get people together to beat him up as a couple said you wanted to is endangerment to Anthony. This still being a open thread can/will hold the forums responsible also if anything happens to him. If Bladder wants he can call Anthony to prove the info. provided by the police. This thread can also be considered as slander. Please guy look up all the laws before you think someone cant do something and before you post.

Also drftnR14 maybe there was some fluid left in the BMC but it worked didn't it? Also he bought 2 Z32 MAFs and the transaction went smooth right? But yet you will say something else now lololol.
From what i remember it did not go smooth. ^ i would like paul to clear this is i'm wrong

couple days late if that but they did talk on the phone during the whole transaction but for the MAFs he went to his house paid the paypal right there and left with both parties being happy. Yet no one has anything bout anything else beside the stupid piddy shit that has nothing to do with org. post.

Also Anthony post in emails SO EVERYONE KNOWS THE EMAILs ARE ALTERED ON THE GOOGLE PAGE he said if theres any problems please call the cops and take him to small claims but yet Martin never did. you cant return anything 10 months later.
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