Warehouse Drift Event Media Here!!!!

u guys are kidding me!!!!!!!!!!! u beg for a video, these media people come out, there not paid, they post what they got, and now u bitch ur not in anything!

ok listen---------------- u want media coverage, bring ur own video/pic guy! end of story!! no more bitching from now on--or ill just stop having warehouse events!
Thank you Paul. YouTube only limits you like 10 minutes anyways (correct me if I'm wrong). Mike tried to get as much footage in as possible. For you guys complaining "why didn't this part get put in and so forth" maybe he wasn't recording at that time. But you guys need to understand we all work full time and we are doing this for fun.
stop crying about it!! geez, youll get more chances.
btw good shit Tacoman!!!
Thank Alex, sorry the ride in portion didn't get put in the video, something is up with Frankie's camera.
yes asian taco (co) and mike are my media ppl
Chris I know how much you want me. Everyone loves Asian. haha
WHO SAW MY BACK FIRE SEXXX!!!!!! then i spon out lmao fail haha i love the video
i think im more excited to film for the next event than drive :ugh:

ok thats not true, but im still excited haha making lil videos is fun it reminds me of the skating days

anyone specific want me to try to get a lot of footy of them?
the black ae86 hit 2 times, they only put the soft tap on the video, also the film crew wasnt there all night, so they didnt get any of the later action on film! but all and all, it was great to have this coverage!

thank you all media!!!!
holy shit wow?
you got me like once?
are you to fucking lazy to film people?!

you seriously piss me the fuck off
im the best fucking drifter there besides the guy in the honda, and you only have 1 clip of me?

love you

i hope you guys can take a joke and a lil sarcasm
lol that wasnt from august 9th, so its not gonna be in this thread

im making a sick video, i just finished the intro

im trying to figure out how im gonna make the rest of the video

im leaving for a party in like 20 minutes, but when i get back or probably tommarow ill finish it

so far its straight as fuck lol
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