Warehouse Drift Event Media Here!!!!

well its taking a while to make it has to be ya know lol

if i guess wrong on this one... oh boy...

i cant fucking wait for this next one
im gonna film when i can, and im gonna try to include everyone and make a pretty big montage.. and wtf i just had a power surge and its not even raining
Alright guys the video is done and is being saved. I work at 7AM til 7:30 PM so if I get out of work early due to the storm I can get the video uploaded earlier in the day. Don't worry about power being out as an excuse, my house is baller and has a back up generator. Sketchy I know you PMed me about pics. I looked at them and I do have a couple more of you. Thank you all for being patient and for the rest of you that aren't oh well, deal with it :D.

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lmao thats my sketchy ass tre flip!

sick video, im not sliding in it (grip for some reason), but still cool

i liked the transition from the first song to the second with the miata how it shows him sliding right from the start
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u guys are kidding me!!!!!!!!!!! u beg for a video, these media people come out, there not paid, they post what they got, and now u bitch ur not in anything!

ok listen---------------- u want media coverage, bring ur own video/pic guy! end of story!! no more bitching from now on--or ill just stop having warehouse events!

on the real tho i dont mean it, i just dont get why if they bothered to put me, they wouldnt put me drifting haha

its all good tho, i still had mad fun
u guys are kidding me!!!!!!!!!!! u beg for a video, these media people come out, there not paid, they post what they got, and now u bitch ur not in anything!

ok listen---------------- u want media coverage, bring ur own video/pic guy! end of story!! no more bitching from now on--or ill just stop having warehouse events!

Amen. No media for Sketchy HAHA Yes!

LOL. All these people are bitching. I figured he would have at least put me sliding into the pole and nearly missing it:laugh:. That would have been the warehouse fisrt. Nice footy man.
is it just me or did the black 86 seem to hit the wall a lot harder in real life? i remember that shit SMACKIN the wall, not tappin it
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