Warehouse Drift Event Media Here!!!!







sorry paul my camera was taking a shit and well these 6 were the only ones i got and zach thanks again for letting me borrow the cam...bro i think im going to look into what u told me and finally upgrade lol

next time im going have to make some crazy shit so i can get decent lighting lol
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Damn, media did a great job on this event. Some really good shots, especially for the low light conditions.

Massive props to everyone that posted pictures!!
i think the lighting made for awsome pictures lol

obviously not enough for people to see the wall they kissed tho lmao

i just finished editing the video of me but youtube is being gay and wont let me post it.. every time i hit brose and select the video, when i hit upload it just says page expired blablabla... wtf?
^^^Try Vimeo.com. Better quality and they have a load bar so you know when it's done uploading. At 99percent it's done and you can exit the screen.
soon, i talked to him tonight more than likely the vid will be up tommorw, but hey these guys arent paid, there doing it for fun, so be patience!
haha yea im kidding

i finally found the camera charger, so if i happen to bring more than 3 friends, maybe one of them can be considered "media" (if they still pay a dollar)? :ugh:
I got a hold of my friend about the video. Editing is done he needs to add music to it and upload it. Sorry for the delay guys. You will see video, no holding anything back here.
i cant believe im still up, i gotta wake up at fuckin 5:30 tommarow lmao

is he gonna have everyone in the vid like a giant montage? or just like the good people
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