UPDATE! Official FD after party drift session, June 5th.

Flier looks like it's for a stock car race.

Needs moar graffiti and cars with no front bumpers...attract more fanboi's.

More fanboi's = more cash. More cash = more events.
thats so awesome...but change it to danica patrick jackson and me and u guys have a team. u have to have a handicap...so jackson is it lol.

Get off my bros back. I think last tandamonium you took 1st place in most spin outs. I don't think I tandemed with you one time where you didn't spin.

Not trying to talk crap but don't dish it out when your bowl isn't full.
Get off my bros back. I think last tandamonium you took 1st place in most spin outs. I don't think I tandemed with you one time where you didn't spin.

Not trying to talk crap but don't dish it out when your bowl isn't full.

lol I don't know ur name, nor do I care...but Chris is my friend, so don't get all butthurt over me talking about him ...AND, if u were counting, then I don't want to disappoint...this time I fully intend on placing first in that class again.
lol I don't know ur name, nor do I care...but Chris is my friend, so don't get all butthurt over me talking about him ...AND, if u were counting, then I don't want to disappoint...this time I fully intend on placing first in that class again.

Sorry bro its just over the years of listening to people bad mouth him on so many levels I'm just sick of listening to it... even if it is jokes.
werd. well, I drift to have fun. All i wanna do is fuck around and fuck shit up. I don't care how good a dude drives because I have zero desire to compete. ALL I wanna do is have fun and chill with awesome bros.
SO, know that if its coming from me, I'm fucking around...because...
Do i look like i have a care in the world about how good u or i drive?
werd. well, I drift to have fun. All i wanna do is fuck around and fuck shit up. I don't care how good a dude drives because I have zero desire to compete. ALL I wanna do is have fun and chill with awesome bros.
SO, know that if its coming from me, I'm fucking around...because...
Do i look like i have a care in the world about how good u or i drive?

damn your sexy :bigthumbu
Robbies car should be ready, and bill already has a deathwish vinyl, so team tandem will happen. So excited.
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