Ter-Tech 11-10-07 Night Event

juan getting spanked up by that lil bike dirtyyyyyy

Digitalwave said:

I knew I shouldv'e kicked you...:)...sorry....this event was not media friendly...we didn't have best spots for you...and no light didn't help you either
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i realy realy realy want to drive that one hatch that had the rb25 the light blue hatch with the 18 in rear and 16 in front i realy realy realy would like to try your car at the skid pad man who ever you are i hope you read this cuzi will be asking you next time if i see you there.......
THANK YOU to all media for the awesome pics/video!! U guys rock!!

Sidewayz_Madnes said:
the event was siiick last night!!!!!! i think i got cancer from all that damn smoke.... and BIG MIKE NEEDS TO MAN UP AND GET ON THE ROAD COURSE HE WAS KILLING THE SKIDPAD!
LOL!! thanks bro my nuts arent strapped on tight enuff for that road course @ night!!!
BiG MiKE said:
THANK YOU to all media for the awesome pics/video!! U guys rock!!

LOL!! thanks bro my nuts arent strapped on tight enuff for that road course @ night!!!

lol i got duck tap and zip ties. -SAS
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