Stolen Green 92 240SX Coupe

Tonymac said:
ttt = to the top

Not exactly necessary on a stickied thread.
Who gives a crap dude you replied so obviously you just notice it when to the home page or to the updated posts... hope you get the point now!!!

tthp/ttup any news paople???? :bigthumbu
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Gaston, I had one hit on the BOLO in MIramar. The vins didnt match up and the car was black. This is a good sign though, my contact seems to be working out if we have had one stop already. Jerry said, no real new news. Someone SUPPOSEDLY saw it, but the information was deleted from the forum before i saw anything, and the kid never replied to my PMs....

TJ - you're the man. i appreciate everything you and everyone has done so far.

It's tough being optimistic...
I've been driving around with my eyes open for anything. If we see anything, how do we contact you Yuca.
i seriously hope you get your car back man, i dont even want to look for regamasters feeling indifferent that i might be buying yours
damb sorry to hear that wth is up with all these 240's getting stolen im bout to build me a fence round my car and put like 5 pitbulls in that bitch
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