Sloppy Nig invades Key West

kwkouki said:
pics are uploading now..........and dare we say some video as well.
TJ, this week Ill have to get my firewire cable back from you so I can load and upload the video I got from this weekend. I should have enough video for atleast 5 mins...Im going not going to edit much :bigthumbu I should have brought the camera Sat night...damn me for not thinking. :mad:
DownSouthS13 said:
sounds to me like yall are just bullshittin on the pix....crazy ass key westerners!
Sounds to me like your hatin cuz you didn't make it down here....mufukka.

Sloppy Nigs + Genki Style and crew =' A MUTHA FUCKIN RUCKUS.
+ mopeds and dranks..='s Muddy Manny.
And G-Mo (e-30 gangsta) Is Evil Kinevil.
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Yea whoever didnt make it down this trip, Zach and I are hosting a island-wrecking massacre the weekend before the 4th of July. Shit will go down in the history books as the party that shook the island.

The phrase of the weekend

"Serious business"
On the hogs on Duval street. Manny saw a girl with a huge ass and is saying "DAYYYYYYYUM"

Gen says Nats ass is so hot it lights cigarettes

Gen and Nat, the two lurvs of mah life

Michael kickin it at Oragami

Teh sexxiest sloppy nig of all time

All the party pics are on Zachs, Nats, and Guillermos cameras.
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I didn't take a camera :(
Yay for the sweepy emo bangs Gen gave me today!
Wait til Guillermo posts the pictures of him all bloody from the dori accident.
S e r i ous B u s i n e s s
wheres the good pics at a trip...lmao......

all i gotta saay is .....

vrooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom......skiiirt......(balanced moment)......BAM!!

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