SFL Higher Tech Standards

I was bringing the topic up since a low impact crash resulted in the worst injury of the day.

The worst injury of the day? The dude came back to the track. Probably just had a crick in his neck from sleeping in the hotel bed the night before.
The worst injury of the day? The dude came back to the track. Probably just had a crick in his neck from sleeping in the hotel bed the night before.

The kid that wrecked (George) tends to be a very dramatic over the top kinda dude most of the times. It wasnt a serious injury at all if he came back to the track within a few hours.
It was a very dramatic scene from the looks of it though.
Worse than sunburn.

The worst injury of the day? The dude came back to the track. Probably just had a crick in his neck from sleeping in the hotel bed the night before.

Well is was the worst injury cause i think it was the only injury. So by default it was the worst. Unless you count sunburn as an injury cause that could be pretty bad, but I did have some pretty serious chaffing going on between my thighs.

But I think why it went done the way it did is cause he told the track official his neck hurt when he was in the car. Why he didn't get out of the car after he hit like everyone else usually does and sat in there till EMS came up to him is beyond me. At the next drivers meeting they told us if going to say your hurt be prepared for the track to take it serious, so if you hurt your toe get out 1st.
Lmao.. So as I was watching Formula D live stream Las Vegas. They mentioned and thanked Guthrie's safety due to him using a Hans device. Coincidence?


I'm not picking sides, just leaving this here.
Lmao.. So as I was watching Formula D live stream Las Vegas. They mentioned and thanked Guthrie's safety due to him using a Hans device. Coincidence?


I'm not picking sides, just leaving this here.

I wasn't going to mention it.... but I heard them talking about that as well....
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