s13 Coupe V.S. s13 Hatch

Coupe or Hatch ?

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lol homies!
if theres gonna be a thread about which one is btter it should be about real shit...not looks and bullshit.
Ive seen some sikass hatches and sikass coupes. Both can be baller.
So since really the only "performance-oriented" shit that u can compare between the S13coupe and hatch is what I just talked about....
theres really no point in arguing about it.
Coupe wins if u look at it from a mechanical view i guess.
well now, I see you loosers making such a foolish poll and I can't help but to laugh, there is no comparison... COUPE!!!!!!!!
as a silvia driver my self, and yes I do own a S14... I will tell you I've owned both coupe and hatch and I will have to tell you just like you kinds say COUPE > hatch.
coupe is more ridgit and by 70lbs lighter. not to say that a hatch is garbage but in the U.S. coupes are more rare and I think better looking. unfortunaly you kids don't know bout the real JDM lifestyle cause you argue bout coupe vs hatch... in Japan this silly arguments don't come up cause they know better not to make such a waste of a poll.
hopefuly one day yhou all will grow up and understand drifting, it's roots and where it's going... then again why do I waste my time with you kids...
well now, I see you loosers making such a foolish poll and I can't help but to laugh, there is no comparison... COUPE!!!!!!!!
as a silvia driver my self, and yes I do own a S14... I will tell you I've owned both coupe and hatch and I will have to tell you just like you kinds say COUPE > hatch.
coupe is more ridgit and by 70lbs lighter. not to say that a hatch is garbage but in the U.S. coupes are more rare and I think better looking. unfortunaly you kids don't know bout the real JDM lifestyle cause you argue bout coupe vs hatch... in Japan this silly arguments don't come up cause they know better not to make such a waste of a poll.
hopefuly one day yhou all will grow up and understand drifting, it's roots and where it's going... then again why do I waste my time with you kids...

Why did you vote then? lol. I agree with you in "it's a pointless discussion", but then why do people discuss about anything? just to get fun out of it? whats better, RED SOX or yankees? both are great teams and both play the same game. So whats the point in discussing that...although we all already know the Red Sox are the superior team, just like coupes are superior :) I hope you get were I'm getting at with this.
Why did you vote then? lol. I agree with you in "it's a pointless discussion", but then why do people discuss about anything? just to get fun out of it? whats better, RED SOX or yankees? both are great teams and both play the same game. So whats the point in discussing that...although we all already know the Red Sox are the superior team, just like coupes are superior :) I hope you get were I'm getting at with this.

wow son!
you don't agree with me an call me a hypocrite with your worthles post. next time try to make an efort to post like an inteliget and normal human being... and the red sock are a waste of a team. YAAAAANKEEEEESSS!!!!!!
I voted For The best... COUPE!
and for what i see Coupes are on top... and thats how its gonna stay... btw all you people saying this thread is pointless and why people are comparing 2 cars with the same chasis & motor... well its just something more to talk about...

btw this is the best thread idea ever! this is a safe zone to talk all you want abouts how coupes are better than hatches and not have to thread jack someone or have mods giving you problems about it.. Thank You "(809) slyde-by"

s14 drivers.. vote for coupes cause thats what you got... lol
oh! and almost forgot...

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im not voteing cause this is the gayest thread ever made on this forum. its a fuckin chassis who cares what you like i for damn sure dont. people bitch on here so much about this shit that its just getting retarded i wish i was a mod cause id ban all you fuckers :bigthumbu
im not voting il take either i can get at a good price idc which. Both can be sexy as hell. I want whats cheap so i can crash it and not be mad just my opinion. CHEAP FTW!!
I voted hatch cuz ive been in love with that car ever since i was about 7 or 8......I loved the shape of the car. Dont get me wrong both cars can be sexy as hell if you put time and money into them but id rather get a hatch over a coupe any day.
im not voting il take either i can get at a good price idc which. Both can be sexy as hell. I want whats cheap so i can crash it and not be mad just my opinion. CHEAP FTW!!

but im still left wondering why do you guys care about which one is better? everyone has a different opinion,thats why there are so many different cars to choose from
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