Rollout to State of Stance

stanced 40 had some nice cars but there was some junk too there were also some pretty nice cars in the back field great turn out
Or maybe if they let ppl spectate for free at events there would be alot more people

this i could probably get 12 to 20 ppl if it was free to spectate or if the price was cut in half

im upload the video i got now to photobucket
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This free car show is totally different compared to spectator fees at a track! The museum parking lot is free to the public! A race track is a little different Jimmy! Plus you should thank the vendors who put up the money in order for spectators and cars in the show to not have to pay today! Just saying
Thank you to all of the vendors that put on this amazing meet we had. I had alot of fun. And thank you for making it free lol

for rodd
The event was fucking sweet. Could have gone smoother but being that this is the first event they threw. It was awesome. Probably the best car show I have ever been too. Insanely hot though. Thanks to everyone that rolled up with us. Thanks for the drinks and chicken nuggets Rodd. Was super fun can't wait for SC2.
event was epic!
I had a blast and the car looked great.
thanks to Dangle for the wheels... u should sell me those things!!! and thanks to Team Becker Racing and friends who camped out with us and kept me hydrated and fed.
and a big thanks to my boys at AUTOGLITZ and BUMPER to BUMPER for helping me get my car ready.
I <3 u guys.
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dammit for it being so far away, looked sweet from the pics and im jealous of no man-on-man action this weekend for me.
still no roll out pics or video .....we even waited an extra half an hour for the videographer what a jip..we could have left earlier and got much better spots
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