Remember my Eclipse that the guy never picked up??? HES COMMING TOMMORROW! WHATDOIDO?


Fox! Do a barrel roll!
He's comming tommorrow, he just called me. He sounded fucking PISSED! Hes like "I'm comming tommorrow for the eagle let me talk to you father" Im like uh ok, ill let him know you called.

Those who dont know, he bought car off me 6 months ago for $3750. He never picked it up, I gave him a date and he didnt pick it up on that date. About 5 months ago I started storage fees and he never paid them (hes up to $300 now)

Anyway....What do I do?? SHould I tell him no car before storage fees are paid? I hope the guy doesnt murder me! :eek: Any ideas???? He's COMMING TOMMORROW!! All the way from Canada! This guys on a mission!
call the po-leece-ia
if you dont want to get shot or thrown around
he should pay the storage fees
you guys had an agreement and he breached it
z4k said:
Ask for the fees. Worst he can say is no.

Well he owes me the fees. He will pay them or no car.

md2020 said:
call the po-leece-ia
if you dont want to get shot or thrown around
he should pay the storage fees
you guys had an agreement and he breached it

Problem is he didnt agree to it. But his car sat here for 5 months so I had to do something if he was going to leave it here. BTW- He called from Toronto, ON.
Meet him at the door with the bill for the fees and your .45 :bigthumbu

Good luck though, this guy sounds crazy. Did he mention why he has been MIA for the last 5 months?
CobraStngSVT said:
Meet him at the door with the bill for the fees and your .45 :bigthumbu

Good luck though, this guy sounds crazy. Did he mention why he has been MIA for the last 5 months?
Last 6 months that is. Yea, I'll make out a bill for him. If its just a towing company that arrives and not him....I'm taking so much shit outta my car before it leaves.
didnt he say that once before that he is coming to get it? how is he taking it home? it cantg drive can it? anywho good luck and for real have your peice handy so if shit gets a little funny.
has he paid for the car yet??? if not the car isn't his until that title gets signed over.... tell him that you refuse to sell until the fee is paid. as for MD2020's advice.... cops are always good to have when a crazy dude is present.... good luck, don't get killed.
make him pay the fees before he even sees the car. no fees paid, no car. you still have the title...which means you still have him by the balls.

just be careful with the dude...sounds shady.
sounds very shady
make sure ur dad is home
just to be safe
well u were in the army so u kno how to take ppl out
I agree, have the police around. You have the title, meaning that the car is still legally yours. He has to pay. If he doesn't, get a lawyer, and hold onto the car.

ps. dont get shot
damn i hope you dont get shot.. .if says hell come on sunday ill drive over there and make sure he doesnt do anything funny.... ill bring my crew as
lmao you guys are hillarious. Yea I have the title, he already payed for the car itself, but he refuses to pay the storage fees. I'm thinking about meeting him somewhere other than my house, ask for money there, if he doesnt comply, I'll drive away and goto a lawyer.... actually, tomm first thinkg I'm going to goto a lawyer. It's just so creepy, this guy sounded like he was gonna snap in a second and come through the phone. If possible, I'll either film or record the event. lol
go to radioshack and "buy" atleast a voice recorder(or camera). use it for the day and return it. I work there and believe me people do it all the time. no biggy. just dont loose the packaging and receipt you should be straight.

police sound like a smart move.

just keep it cool...... 4k isnt worth a life......
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