Off to Japan.......

lucky fucker put a baby in that chick be the japanese connect over there leave shant to run the bizz in FL when u become papi enough youll be able to travel back and forth lol i cant believe her brother jus happens to be a mechanic and works there omg wtf is wrong with bitches in fl lol great to see your having a great time. by the way how much is this TRIP costing you (flight,hotel,food,bs jdm stuff)

emil the screwdriver thing u have to make i read a tutorial on super street once
Dont know if someone pointed it out yet, but did anyone else notice the sakura wheels? Super Rare sickness

Where can i get one of those vans!!! That pewter one to the right looks huge, and that red one is just oober awesome soccer mom power!
^^ what you mean Ricky....people still do!

Guys, i found me my future wife, i will post a pic of her tonight...for the past two nights....japanese sex in my hotel room, japanese massages in my hotel room, japanese showers in my bathroom. Man this women, yes women...she is 33 and i am 28 but my god is in love with the armenian shlong. She already said i love you to me and is going to wait for me to come back in 6 months for our second trip. Can you say....Raffi got a Japanese :woot::waveynaug
I hate you I hate my life, Japan is seeming more and more like a dream that will never come true for me .

I'm just jealous is all, I don't hate you. Can't wait to see more pics. glad you're having an awesome time! bring back my thing I asked for!!!! lol
I hate you I hate my life, Japan is seeming more and more like a dream that will never come true for me .

I'm just jealous is all, I don't hate you. Can't wait to see more pics. glad you're having an awesome time! bring back my thing I asked for!!!! lol

lol shut up, its not a about $2000US and your fine to come to this country for 2 weeks maybe more. Its not so expensive as people think it is...for my hotel room for 2 weeks stay was $700 total...thats like $55 a night. food is fare priced at $5-$9 a plate depending on what you eat. Beer is cheap and Saki is even cheaper. Fal, im going to try to get the thing you asked for....most likely this Sunday i will go get all the little things.
Thanks man, I actually bought one the other day and I fucking lost it 2 mins later, so I'm gonna like super glue the one you get me on there so it doesn't go no where lol. better to have one straight from Japan also.

The problem is saving up 2k lol maybe next year I can do it. Have fun dude, take like a million more pics of everything!!!!!
Have fun dude, take like a million more pics of everything!!!!!

LOL....i think i abused my camera so much on this trip it started acting up on me. IT won't turn on and i have to bang it for it to work. and that is with new batteries. So i hope its not broken or took a shit!!

well guys i have about 2 days left :( and then i come home....back to good ol' US of A. I am kinda pissed because my digi is acting up....tomorrow is Bihoku again and i hope this piece of shit works. I mean it turns on but after a few good bangs on something hard. Here are three new pics that i was able to take since it turned on finally.

**New chick, Keiko...33 yr old Japanese women...really sweet too!!!**


**New Uras and D-max parts for my S13**
New Tension Rods, New inner tie rods & New outter tie rod ends

Well our official first order was placed last week and it came in today for our customer...just so you guys know, i will be able to get anything from Japan added to our container before it leaves Japan so if you need anything let me know even when i leave. Aero-K has the courtesy to call DrivingSPORTS and place orders on anything available in Japan.

Customer emailed me regarding The VIP Instant Gentlemen exhaust from Supermade for his S14 and here it is which is being added to our container. This system is baller status!!!



damn i don't want to all!!!!
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