next three event dates

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Im there took off work.

by no bike helment that dosent mean i cant wear a street bike helment dose it ?
if it is a motorcycle helmet... yes you can wear it.. but you cant wear a

bicycle helmet.
it was man i was at the bus stop at 6:20 , everything was flooded i had to tell me friend to bring me an extra pair of socks lol..
By what time do you think we will know if the event is on or not? It just started pouring by my house.
normally it's called by 5 if too wet, we can still drift in the rain guys, just if the owner sees that theres no ppl or its too wet for drag then thats when we dont get our time.
I just looked at the forecast and it states that it is supposed to clear up by 5pm.... but rain until then so...... hopefully this is still a go!!!
Radar looked good (never listen to forecast). The big storm is out of here but there are still small showers coming off the west coast that could hit county line. As long as they open the gates and don't mind running the lights in a few showers were good to go can't say the same for drag racing. Whats the finial word? any one talk to Pete?
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