Need Help With The Law Asap

Damian P

(OO) skyline (OO)
Any One That Has Knowledge On Tickets And Legal Actions Pm Me ...cops Took My Car And Gave Me False Ticket Help Asap Please And Thank You
well i have a suspended license to start off with ... cop pulls me over and says "you know you have a suspended license" i say yes he asked for it i gave it to him.. he goes back to his car 10 min go by another cop shows up there doing there paper work another cop shows up i know what time it is they ask me to get out i get cuffed and he tells me im getting arrested for having my license plate covered with a tinted cover i have a BW my tag has a warrant so they inpound my tag and car... now when i get to TGK they tell me i have bound for 6k cuz i was in possession of a stolen license i dont mind the warrent for my suspended license nor tag but wtf is up with the stolen license
car tag insurance is under my name and has been they said it was a stolen drivers license

and expires april
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well if your liciense is suspended, i bellieve you are supposed to turn it in to the dmv, and it because prooperty of the state... not to sure on that though.

sounds like your gonna take it in the rear by the way sorry man..
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well you car is evidence, you will need to wait till the trial ends to probably claim it. i would definitly get a lawyer, and find out the storage fee for the police impound, since it might be cheaper to just leave the car there.
well you car is evidence, you will need to wait till the trial ends to probably claim it. i would definitly get a lawyer, and find out the storage fee for the police impound, since it might be cheaper to just leave the car there.

i dont think its in the police inpound its in a regular tow yard executive or something like that
then take it out asap.. because as the days that pass by will cost you a lot more !


... well its not that simple cop told me that my license plate had a warrent to seize so i have to pay my tickets to get my license get insurance and a tag to be able to get my car out
well if your liciense is suspended, i bellieve you are supposed to turn it in to the dmv, and it because prooperty of the state... not to sure on that though.

sounds like your gonna take it in the rear by the way sorry man..

This might be true.
hate to say it, but you car probably caused you to get had all that spray paint and shit and mismatched all over the place......if it was one color they probably wouldn't have even noticed u..
lol dan they cant fuck something up thats already fucked up there just going to add to the scratches. as long as they dont fuck up the front more then it already is ill be happy ...

hate to say it, but you car probably caused you to get had all that spray paint and shit and mismatched all over the place......if it was one color they probably wouldn't have even noticed u..

naw it was my tag cover that fucked me over thats what he told me atleast...
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the yard mine was in they took shit off my car and guess what theres no way you can prove it either I learned the expensive way
I had shit taken off my car too. And they broke my 2 side view mirrors for apparently no reason. Mine was in the yard as part of a police investigation b/c they thought my car was stolen since I changed the dash (vin) and had a gutted interior.:rolleyes:
If you say everything is registered under your name is COMPLETELY LEGAL, then their making up stuff... but we live in a place now where your word isn't ever going to be greater then a cop. Get a lawyer ASAP, I'm pretty sure there is something wrong with this picture. Because the worst thing that should have happen was that they take your license and make you call someone to drive your car home.
um no.. if your license is suspended and you have a bench warrant for your arrest they can arrest you and impound your car like happended to get low..
well doral cops are getting your car tow when you are found driving with suspended license, so they do have the choice.. some are nicer and will tell you call someone to get your car picked up..
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