Leaving for Marines

true, for a girl navy and air force are better choices and unless you picked a motor pool related job japan won't be as accessible i was going to be motor pool , supposed to ship out to japan last january .... haha .
stlthftr1 said:
there's so much missinformation out there.... i can tell by some of the posts. been there done that
it's not as great as the recruiter tells you but not as bad as rea and some people on here make it seem. would i lie to you? run before you leave though really do run..... no seriously, run all the time.
you get 20 mins from line to formation to eat. but girls get low carb, low sugar meal packs, us guys got sugar , carb and protein loaded meals.... food isn't too bad for the males. get your friends and families addreses before you leave, ask them to send you 1-2 sheets from magazines or newspaper in their letters, they can send you stuff like razors , maybe femenine items i wouldn't know.... but you will SMELL BAD for 3 straight months i guarantee that, don't try to stand out , in a good way or a bad way... do what you're told it's easy don't get an attitude.... and 3 months will seem like 3 years if you don't make friends..... and write letters and get letters , leave on good terms with your parents , you'll regret doing and not doing soooo many things, it is really up to you in the end to make a change in your life don't use the marine core as a crutch it won't work out too good. what's ur m.o.s. ? oh and run a lot before you leave .... i know i said it but it's worth repeating.....run bitch, run!

i promise i am not trying to be mean, but did you deal with the marine corp recently? cause i am old, and when my ex husband was in thats how shit went down. i know it was my entire life, from when i woke up till i went to bed, i even ran pt with my husband and the rest of 332 every morning. i wanted to be a marine, i wanted to push every limit i had, but ink and my knee and my health would never allow it. but i agree with you on the running. i honestly think michelle should go talk to the airforce before she sets her plans in stone. and one last thing, you have to keep in mind, women get treated differently then the men do in the service, which i can understand to a point. i guess when the government wants you to keep a blind eye to the situations unfolding around you and all over every military base, it will happen. some of us had the unfortunate experiance of seeing and dealing with a lot of it first hand.
I think the Air Force would be interested in recruiting Michelle because of her height. I remember watching a program saying how the Air Force prefers to have short people because they can handle higher G force levels. But thats if she's interested in flying.
^ yeah there were really after me cause i scored like an 82 or something on the asfab average was like 59 or something dumb like that
Thats a very courageous act on your behalf. I'm against war in every aspect of it but I respect those who are over there defending our country. Although they have nothing to do with the "problem" they're still over there contributing and protecting what they believe is right.

Be safe and good luck over there. I hope something good for you comes out of this.

Yo michelle dis hector i too wuz suckered into thinkin i wuz gettin statoned in japan,as soon as i signed my life away they flipped da script.They came to me wit some b/s about how everyone "HAS" to serve 2 yrs in da shit box(asumming i servived)then for da remander of my service i would be placed anywhere i chose.So i smoked a phat ass blunt right before final inspection :laugh: then got kicked out,not the best thing but hey im still alive.But good luck to u.
2 down,, 1 one to go



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Good Luck getting to Japan! LOL Hektic is right you get to choose. But the Top marines choose first. Guess where they want to go. Japan. Makes sure you are top of your class.

BTW My friend is about 3 years in and on his 3 trip to the sandbox. Good Luck.
im so sore havent worked out.... ever lol
g2g tomorrow @ 330 pm to take a drug test, then drive to miami, stay in hotel
4:30am monday morning asvab test, hearing test, drug test #2, physical, practice exercises etc...
then come back and sign final papers.
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