Leaving for Marines

just please be safe.

and make sure you are making the right decision. cause if you really want to improve your self and your out look on life you could just do the hippy route and do outward bound. its awesome and very nitty gritty
md2020 said:
im so sore havent worked out.... ever lol
g2g tomorrow @ 330 pm to take a drug test, then drive to miami, stay in hotel
4:30am monday morning asvab test, hearing test, drug test #2, physical, practice exercises etc...
then come back and sign final papers.

I strongly urge you to reconsider.

Go to the air force. They will teach you much more useful skills to use later in life, give better benefits, and you have nowhere near the danger involved in the USMC.

I was ready to go USMC straight out of high school, my parents talked me out of it. They said to do college for at least a year and then decide. I finally agreed but I was still hell bent on going. If not the USMC I would have gone USAF in 2000.

One of my best friends signed up when I was still a junior, and I hung with him when he finally got out of boot camp 3 months late. Supposedly he got some mud in his ear and had some infection. Was in the hospital at Parris Island for like 9weeks and had to redo some training. I honestly think they did something to him but who knows...... regardless, when he came back he was like a fucking Zombie.... USMC this USMC that.... it was really weird. After about a year it kinda wore off some and he told me not to join no matter what. He never went into any details, but he said if I absolutely had to join, that I should go USAF.

Also he was able to secure a guaranteed station in Okinawa (they refuse to guarantee anything anymore), but it only lasted about 1 year. Stationed in Cali for a couple yrs, and he had his service done and was ready to discharge right around the time USA invaded Afganistan and he ended up getting screwed and sent to Kuwait, something about if they need you they can hold you for 3 extra years.

He is finally out and luckily still alive, not so lucky for 2 other guys from my highschool who joined USMC.......
Yeah Air force FTW seriously

who cares if they call you a pussy for joining (like my best friend who joined the army)
i was in the marines for a while i had a blast but then again i'm fuckin crazy. I got discharged because my replacment knee cap blew out during para drop training. i would love to be in iraq right now shooting fuckers in the head. good luck hope your ready to run alot. lol -SAS
If she hasn't signed she should reconsider for usaf.
Go to the air force. They will teach you much more useful skills to use later in life, give better benefits, and you have nowhere near the danger involved in the USMC.
My friend was stationed in japan for 2 months. He then was sent to Iraq, then cali...then Iraq.
i wish you nothing but the best of luck and i hope to see you after boot camp o rhear from you eventualy... shits funny tho your going to be a mechanic a real mechanic on serious equipment not just an oil change motors and all lolol proud of you doll i realy am.... i just want every one to say some thing onthis fourmand im sorry i brought this back into the light

no air force man up marines is the way to go

im proud andthat usto matter
Rwd Rea said:
just please be safe.

and make sure you are making the right decision. cause if you really want to improve your self and your out look on life you could just do the hippy route and do outward bound. its awesome and very nitty gritty

i agree with rea just be carefull and hope to see you sliding soon :bigthumbu !!
my dad was in the air force and I lived in Misawa, Japan for 3 years, i wish I can go back. I wish you best wishes gal dori.
bye bye michelle. hope you come back in one piece. me & donnie will miss you. good luck with the marines. keep us updated. ^.^
^^ i second most of that.... and when you get back there will be a drift car waiting for little feets to touch the pink pedels
the best of luck to you kiddo. make it back in one piece and one sane mind. boot camp is nuts but you can do it. i believes in yous. God Lick, God Bless and may the force be with you
it'll pay for my school, it'll be a good experience, make me a better person, get me in shape, i'll get to travel (JAPAN!) 4 yrs

yea true you get to travel to japan but get ready for a lot of bullshit..lol...trust me I jus got out homie....dont let these recruiters glamorize the life style....and trust me even in japan you will go through bullshit to....dont expect to drive the first two yrs you there cause they dont let young marines drive there till you been there for a hot minute...lol....i lived there for two years and i never got to drive....good luck though and make sure u avoid the sand box(iraq) at all cost cause thas some bullshit too...
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