Leaving for Marines

If you have live in fear of being raped as a woman in the marines...idk what to say. Wtf? That's some messed up shit.
Rwd Rea said:
well, i hear that i am such an amazing evil cunt and so goo dat ruining lives.... i really would have loved it. plus i would get to wear camo everyday and boots... fuck yeah... super dyke reporting for DI duty. lol. damn marines.

lolololololololol i can only imagen how happy you would be to be awake at 0500 every day lolololol fucken great

Tonymac said:
If you have live in fear of being raped as a woman in the marines...idk what to say. Wtf? That's some messed up shit.

yea its sadly fucken true to................
Tonymac said:
If you have live in fear of being raped as a woman in the marines...idk what to say. Wtf? That's some messed up shit.

its horrible to think that the people protecting and fighting for our country is raping and beating women on a daily basis. you can find so many articles about it. the airforce has the least amount of rapes, a higher college turn out, and better retirement benefits. honestly michelle should have went to the airforce. then when she was home from deployemnts she could live in florida and not in south carolina. cause i am sorry to say it, but they are goign to shove you to port royal and stick you in a marsh that is stinky and gross and the sandflies/gnats will make you insane. but since you are all about the amrine corps, i will just say this, take avon's skin so soft with you. it will keep all the bugs off of you and they allow it there. they will let people send it to you. and you can also take the match heads off the matches they give you in your mre's and mix them with your food, the sulfar will ward off any bugs when you start to sweat it out of your pores, which will happen right after you get your 4 min breakfast, unch and dinner time.... who the fuck can eat a full meal in 4 mins? NO ONE DAMNIT! thats how they really getyou. they starve you basically until you can't handle it anymore, cause the 4 mins you have to eat you can't take your left hand off your knee, so you can't force feed yourself with two hands. lol. but at the end of the crucible they are awesome and you get what they call a warriors breakfast, staek eggs potatoes bacon all kinds of wonderful shit, and you can actully take your time to eat it then. fucked up that it takes 3 months for them to allow you to enjoy food.
Wow. Good luck and be safe. Do you know for sure that you'll be going to japan or was that a choice that you may or may not get? What were the other choices? I hear that they are now becoming very strict on u.s. military in Japan when comes to fun things like drifting and cars. Hope everything works out for the best :bigthumbu
kleen555 said:
Wow. Good luck and be safe. Do you know for sure that you'll be going to japan or was that a choice that you may or may not get? What were the other choices? I hear that they are now becoming very strict on u.s. military in Japan when comes to fun things like drifting and cars. Hope everything works out for the best :bigthumbu

now here is where they trick you. they tell you about how you can be stationed in all these cool places (germany, japan, spain, cali, etc) and then when you get your mo then you see that you got fucked and you'll be stuck in some shit whole. and maybe spend 6 months in japan if your lucky. they ALWAYS tell you you can be stationed somewhere that sounds awesome. ALWAYS. never fails. they did it to every friend i know including my ex husband. yeah they went and spent a little bit of time in japan, only two out of our easily 50 marine friends actually got stationed in okinawa. and they are super anal now about all the "sport driving" (thats their term for it) that goes on over there.
Rwd Rea said:
its horrible to think that the people protecting and fighting for our country is raping and beating women on a daily basis.

Yeah tonymac is definitely not about beating/abusing/mistreating the ladies. I just did some googling...makes me confused about my beliefs. I'm now remembering a friend of mine telling me his fiance was raped in the marines. I thought it was a concentrated incident and didn't put much more thought beyond "that asshole who did it." Obviously there's more than "that asshole" if this kind of thing exists and is known. So what's being done to keep these woman safe? I will most likely be researching for weeks now. :thumbsdow
they send them through classes so they can "determine as to whom would be a likely target". seriously its pathetic, they feel as though they need to tell a woman whether or not she is going to be raped. its like this stupid excersise and the only thing they do right is show you how to ward off your attacker(s). they teach you how to kill a man in the marines, but they still have to teach you to keep them away from your vag.
you would assume that they would take a greater action into deterring this from happening. but they don't, some of the marines get sent to the brig, alot of them walk, loss rank, loss some pay, and have to see a psychotherapist (which is weird, cause when you break that word down it becomes psycho the rapist. weird huh)
they treat women as though they are there for their pleasure and not to serve our country.
All I know is that my freind signed up for 4 years He's done 5 and he's on his way back for his 3rd tour in Iraq. They also try brainwashing you, so be careful with that aswell. My g/f's brother signed up for another 4 years...They pound it into you everyday..."what are you going to do with your life after the military? You'll be a nobody like your freinds back home...dadada...Alot of mind games, a great learning experience, making you a better person...doubt it. It will make you appreciate life alot more though. I bet you'll like George W. In the military as well...Be safe! :bigthumbu
^^^^^ correct sir thats the point of boot camp as well thy deprive you of sleep and thy deprive you of personal time and deprive you of time to eat and deprive you of food and thy work you till you are absolutly done and can't walk any more it all a mind game and if you break it shows your true carecter..... and mind games are all part of it once thy break you eather you fall or you come back up storng thy will break your mind now if you let them stay in it is a whole nother story..... fucken a I hate the military and the goverment more than any one but I support the peaple who put there lives on hold to serve our shity country....
u are trained to be a killing machine with no emotions das wat i believe theyve used terms in the past like krauts and stuff to dehumanize your enemy
wow, not something to wake up too, but eh.....good luck sweetie. Ill be around to pick up my parts before then I promise
it takes courage to do something like that (and follow it through) that's for sure. so best of luck on your journey.
there's so much missinformation out there.... i can tell by some of the posts. been there done that
it's not as great as the recruiter tells you but not as bad as rea and some people on here make it seem. would i lie to you? run before you leave though really do run..... no seriously, run all the time.
you get 20 mins from line to formation to eat. but girls get low carb, low sugar meal packs, us guys got sugar , carb and protein loaded meals.... food isn't too bad for the males. get your friends and families addreses before you leave, ask them to send you 1-2 sheets from magazines or newspaper in their letters, they can send you stuff like razors , maybe femenine items i wouldn't know.... but you will SMELL BAD for 3 straight months i guarantee that, don't try to stand out , in a good way or a bad way... do what you're told it's easy don't get an attitude.... and 3 months will seem like 3 years if you don't make friends..... and write letters and get letters , leave on good terms with your parents , you'll regret doing and not doing soooo many things, it is really up to you in the end to make a change in your life don't use the marine core as a crutch it won't work out too good. what's ur m.o.s. ? oh and run a lot before you leave .... i know i said it but it's worth repeating.....run bitch, run!
I dont really understand... I would have joined the airforce personally actually I tried but I fucked up at MEPS and got discharged

Seriously in the airforce you will never be on the front lines you will get your college money and a much better education plus they can teach you a job that you could actually come out and do as a career, the jobs they teach you in the marines have little to no use in the civil lain world after you get out. Plus the Air force has 3 bases in japan not just one like the marines so much better chance of being stationed there.
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