In Response to Slide Shirts Unsent

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its so fucking easy to stay out of jail seriously with all the fucked up shit i do if u fucked up take it like a man instead of stealing ppls hard earned money seriously i know what i do and if i fuck up than ME LA TENGO QUE MAMAR


oop..... ++++111111111111111
bro do you personally know jake hes good people hell i stayed at his place for damn near a month for free. No matter what the out come of this suan is still my boy ive know suan longer then every person on here other then meghan. Hell i knew him before i was on the forum. yeah he fucked up but to tell you the truth i would have done the same shit to stay out of jail. Im sure alot of you will disagree but alot of you would do it too. I love how much hate suan has gotten over a few shirts with how much hes done. We fuckin feed most of you out of our own pockets for 6 fuckin countyline events. Most people didnt even thank us for that shit either. Thats why we stopped doing it most of you are ungrateful as hell. Man the fuck up and stop bitch like 12 year old girls. Suan already knows i got his back no matter what if i had the dough i woulda already had the shirts done so you guys can stop bitching about it. You wanna flame me for being a good friend more power to you but i dont give a shit out of all the people on the forum i only have about 10 people that i would actually call my friends. The rest of you i couldnt give a fuck about. :bigthumbu

How about instead of paying for food, use the money to make the products THAT PEOPLE PAID FOR. What all you guys that are "suans friend" arent getting is that he presented himself as a business and he didnt deliver for now 13months. There are NO excuses for that. He's not in jail now, tell him to get A FUCKING JOB like the rest of the people here that actually PAID for the shirts and stop bitching about donations and how we should find a solution, this is HIS fucking problem.
bro do you personally know jake hes good people hell i stayed at his place for damn near a month for free. No matter what the out come of this suan is still my boy ive know suan longer then every person on here other then meghan. Hell i knew him before i was on the forum. yeah he fucked up but to tell you the truth i would have done the same shit to stay out of jail. Im sure alot of you will disagree but alot of you would do it too. I love how much hate suan has gotten over a few shirts with how much hes done. We fuckin feed most of you out of our own pockets for 6 fuckin countyline events. Most people didnt even thank us for that shit either. Thats why we stopped doing it most of you are ungrateful as hell. Man the fuck up and stop bitch like 12 year old girls. Suan already knows i got his back no matter what if i had the dough i woulda already had the shirts done so you guys can stop bitching about it. You wanna flame me for being a good friend more power to you but i dont give a shit out of all the people on the forum i only have about 10 people that i would actually call my friends. The rest of you i couldnt give a fuck about. :bigthumbu

YouTube - My anus is bleeding!
I no longer have input for this thread, I ask that most of you leave me outta it please, we all have different sides to the situation.. but since my last post suan and i have communicated.. and ended at an understanding per say. I said what I had to say, there's nothing left. I already got my name a bad rep, I don't want to make anything any worse.

best of luck to you all.
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