In Response to Slide Shirts Unsent

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quote"you people" you talking about Filipinos.

omfg you HAVE to be retarded. Im not talking about race AT ALL wtf. lol

his cousin some random guy we dont know decides to publicly add to the flaming of his own cousin ? srry THATS FUCKED UP

and yuh dun get me wrong im not that crazy blood thicker than water types theres an unfortunate few in my family who have chosen different paths down life and ive had no problem making the RIGHT decisions but that doesnt mean ima call em out on a forum full of his peers with sum big fukin long ass post

who the fuck is a cousin to try to fuckin teach u a lesson or discipline you and publicly lol

between you ppl always asking for donations and having all these mix ups with money and dissapearing and not delivering items or money and ure own family members coming on and adding to the shit talking about you

u all need to go on oprah.
^ LOL. So Mike if your dad kills your mom your gunna be on your dads side, because his family? I might have put it to harsh but someone people need to learn a lesson either the hard way or the easy way. Suaknee likes it the hard way, and if no one in here can put it in his head there is no one better than a family member to do it. Because at the end of the day there the only ones that are going to help you out.

ofcourse not you retard ide fucking kill my dad probably lol suans threads are JOKES for his jeepney to even have done that in there was just hopin on a bandwagon and talkin shit about his own cousin with all of us im not sayin this whole deal wit suan isnt completely fucked up im just sayin wow thats fucked up his cousin leaving a big ass post on here talkin negative about suan and his business i wonder what suan did to piss him off damn
anyways,who da fuck cares about this shit anyways.Chris is done adding any post on this tread.lets just move on and all you guys got fucked from him.just hope you guys learned your lesson.I tried my best to colaborate my side of story but this tread is getting pointless.I'm done and I'm out......goodluck arguing something that the person you talk about doesn't care...
i wonder what suan did to piss him off damn

Maybe it was because he was helping Suan get out of the issues he was in, and it wasn't good enough. That he openly posted that he himself (Jeepney) was willing to help pay off his debts in another thread, since Suan wouldn't post within the thread himself. Instead of Suan being grateful for his assistance, he goes and post up this sad story we've all heard before, like no one is helping him. Kinda like a slap in the face. There's only so much one can take before they've had enough, especially when they're blood.
It's hard to help someone, when they can't help themselves...

But hey.. *shrugs*.. that's just what I see.. I could be totally wrong.
Well this just got blown up. My own cousin calling me out. I know where he's coming from and he means the best for me, although it's hard to say that what he's done for me in the past and my decision not to take his advice isn't a slap in the face. I'm totally grateful for the fact we traded cars and I was offered the 240 to help my image. I put blood sweat and tears into it and had countless sleepless nights in and around that car. Just because it doesn't have (4x100) +25 Volks with 4x100 to 4x114.3 spacer adapters if came with, doesn't mean I'm not grateful, only that I'm bad with money and needed to sell them.

Currently facing my money issues, the suggestion for me to move back home would not be a wise choice in my opinion. Although I listen to every word he tells me and appreciate his advice, I finally got a steady graphic job that has decent pay, which I carpool to every other day. I'm going to tough it out in SFL and get these shirts delivered if it's the last thing I do. I'm Hate to sound cheesy while everyone is against me, but what else can I say. Moving back to Melbourne would only make it harder to produce shirts. My contacts, silk-screen printer, and customers are all in SFL. I would only get more comfortable back home and the transition alone would cost me money that I could spend on shirts.

Well as it currently stands, I'm working full time waiting for pay day to put back into the slide shirt fund and have been in contact with some prospective investors. I'll update when I get anything.

Sucks to have my luck, first getting beat by Davie cops and getting screwed, getting involved with the wrong girl upon graduation, and having this "hell on earth" called eczema. I'm just working the hand I was dealt. Oh but I should of saw all that coming though. Seriously I know I got myself in this hole, please trust me I'm not just sitting around waiting for a rope.
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Seriously. How much does it cost you per shirt to make. Are you trying to make people feel bad that you let them hang for 13 MONTHS now. Does noone else realize how long its been? Over an entire year. Seriously you could have grabbed enough money in that time period to send some people their shirts and show you are actually doing something. Yes, I bailed out on month 5 but I have other friends still idiotically waiting for their shirts. I dont know how anyone can even WEAR that shirt whenever they get it, it just represents a company that doesnt deliver and has no consideration for the customer. This shit is so insanley twisted that I dont even know what to say. Wow. And we know if they asked for their refunds now they wont get it, because each shirt costs less to make than the payment they sent you and you cant even make them. Hell, back when I got mine, Meghan had to give me her hard earned cash for the refund. Amazing.
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anyone have a pic of these "baller ass" shirts? i wanna see whats so special about em

not even on the market yet son...
Why anyone is still waiting for a shirt is BEYOND me.
Would you all really wear the shirt, after waiting 13 months for it, and having to practically beg for it to be done?
The shirt would stand for massive fail, and I can't fathom someone being proud to wear it.

You all should have pulled out of this shit, and gotten your money back. This is beyond a slap in the face. I can't believe you still post on here, and have the AUDACITY to ask for a loan to the people you have wronged.
There's no words.

I feel pity for anyone who bought a shirt.
The shirt would stand for massive fail, and I can't fathom someone being proud to wear it.

i'd be proud to wear it! kids been thru some tough times and hes been on his own most of the time. hes gotten help from friends yes but thats because we're his fuckin friends! yes megan has been there to help him but they were good friends then. but like i said friends help friends out in tough times.

not everyone gets it easy. and i know "you've all had tough times" but how many of you have lost a job while trying to pay rent and fix a car and pay off parole and run a t-shirt company all at the same time while trying to do it by yourself?

i know nobody cares and i mean why should you? yer not REALLY his friend. shit half you guys probably never really were. its easy to gang up on someone when you dont know the whole story. its easy to be a loser e-thug and write shit over the internet behind yer screen.

i'm not saying that its ok for you guys not to have yer t-shirts already. but jesus christ fuckin 20 bucks isnt shit. well it shouldnt be from what everyone here is saying. t-shirts are expensive. selling them at 15 dollars would probably barely make you profit. maybe a dollar profit if you're lucky. and thats just in printing them. that has nothing to do with you working hard day and night for weeks on a design.

i dont think he needs to be asking for handouts on here. i know why he did it. he wanted to get the shirts out faster. i know he didnt wanna ask you guys for help. hes just trying to think of a fast solution. (bad idea suan. do the shit on yer own time when you have the money)

this kid has some amazing potential, creativity, drive, and enthusiasm. i've seen his designs and you guys would be lucky to even have SEEN someone where one of those shirts. whenever they do come out i cant wait to see how you guys will turn yer attitudes towards this kid.

i have no beef with any of you guys on this forum. i just hate seeing this kids name get dragged through the mud because of hard times and mistakes anyone of us easily could and probably have made.
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