In Response to Slide Shirts Unsent

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Dear All DRIFT*A*TIRE by Chrisuan Customers,

I'm really sorry for not getting you the rest of the slide shirts that you deserve. As I a promised I have a 2 for 1 special for supporting the start up of DRIFT*A*TIRE by CHRISUAN. For those that don't know, I've gone through a tough time with the law being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Being charged of something I did not do, being heavily fined, and at the risk of going to jail again I used some of the funds that were for shirts to keep me out of jail. With no other options, it was the only option. I haven't forgotten about the reminder of product that needs to be sent.

Now that I'm off probation, I'm still struggling to get my head above water. I can't thank everybody for their understanding, donations, help, and support, but since the termination of my probation, I've been trying to clear up overdue bills and bear day to day survival. This is why you barely see me now a days. It's not because I'm avoiding the situation.

I had a nice job for a while and was going to move into my own place but the economy fucked me over like many of us. Luckily, thanks my friends Shane and Luis, I'm posted up at the MYCU Crib, and have a couch to lay my head. I can't thank them enough as well.

I'm sorry for the lack of communication as I was enjoying priceless time with family, due to not seeing them much of last year during my probation. Also at the moment, I'm searching for another night job, and dealing with other stress, so please excuse my absence. You guys deserve better, and I will do better on supplying you with the shirts. I've tried asking and borrowing money from friends and family but nothing came through. If anybody would like to offer me a loan and we can devise a payment plan with interest, please contact me. I'll be so grateful, and I'm sure everyone else will. Simply I'm asking everybody to please just give me more time to acquire the funds to reproduce the shirts. I beg you all.

Chris Suan

Best Regards to you and yours in 2009
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If anybody would like to offer me a loan and we can devise a payment plan with interest, please contact me. I'll be so grateful, and I'm sure everyone else will. Simply I'm asking everybody to please just give me more time to acquire the funds to reproduce the shirts. I beg you all.

are you serious swan? did you read how you wrote that you are having terrible financial problems? plus the shirts u already owe ppl

thats rediculous
I'm working full-time as a graphic designer, I'm just looking for a second job. The money I make is going to bills, and I could get the shirts to people I can make them happy, just pay off the lender in installments, instead of the screen printer in full (which I don't have).

Please don't make things worst for me and everyone by thinking about the problem, and think about the solution.
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I was a good friend and gave you the most help, the most understanding, gave many donations, and funds from the love dyno stickers we made.. and the very most supportive of you.. to say the least. Ive lost friendships, over defending your honor. I had people disliking me which is very uncommon. Which I am no longer doing..

This is why you barely see me now a days. It's not because I'm avoiding the situation.

Im sorry but this is just bull crap. I recall a drift event, when you were hanging on to me to avoid people from being mad at you, cause they wouldnt confront you with me there. Okay you might be working on shit now, or whatever but I know you have tried to avoid the situation before.

Ive done everything I could for you suaknee, my bad the new you is "swone".. the new you really needs a reality check, on buisness and making your customers happy.. You think any of these people are going to buy from you again after this.. You again have ended our friendship.. and Im tried of everyone still relating me to you. So everyone knows we are not friends. Ive finally seen the true colors this kid shows. I cant be friends with someone like this.

I feel really bad for you chris. I really do. Im not saying all this on here.. to play this "so called game" you call, that Im trying to seem better then you. Everyone on here is mad at you, I would be too. But the need to know, so I can stop being called out for being your only supporter. I helped you chris we did it together and got them the red shirts out.. you seemed to be doing fine when I left, I thought you would have gotten your crap together..guess not.

I have alot more I could say to this, But I really dont have much left to say to you.. Im really just wasting my time.

Please don't make things worst for me and everyone by thinking about the problem, and think about the solution.

You made this a problem by not delivering.. you need to find the solution.. NOT THEM!!
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all im saying is that the root of this wholeeee ordeal is from "taking donations" it has spiraled so much out of control that to read how you would like for sumone to give you a loan is COMPLETELY REDICULOUS just with the fact that you couldnt deliver t-shirts how do you expect to pay a loan back + interest?

you literrally just wrote how your having trouble "keeping your head above water" how do you expect to get a loan after writing that?

and the economy has BEEN bad

stop asking things from ppl just sell your product and deliver

ppl make shit to confusing

its like a slap in tha face to be asking more frm ppl after everything
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I asked to hang on your arm when we were selling love dyno stickers so we can be more approachable. You put people at ease, and thats just handling the situation better, not avoiding it. Listen, I appreciated your help and compensated you. Obviously things are better as with a teammate but things got in the way. Lets move on please.

I'm doing my best work out the solution. About loan offer, it's called investing. Are you telling me you never took out a loan? How about a college education? You and a lender have a contract that you get to go to school and they fund your education. They do not have to, but they can approve you. It's business.

I'm asking anybody who wants to make a small investment and have returns on their investment. I'm being totally honest and straightening things out by cleaning up this mess I made. Thats the reality....[check]

So please get out whatever you want to say about me, but don't please don't blame me for wasting your time. It's obvious you loathe it. Those people who's friendships you lost, showed you their true colors as well, don't pull the wool over your eyes, because you're not friends with me anymore.
....... ask for a loan?

Go ask obama for a handout. Oh wait thats right obama just said today everything that he promised would take a bit longer than he planned.... Probably because its never gonna happen. Just like these shirts.

Tj where you @?
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I need to push my shirts through faster eh Guille?

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I need to push my shirts through faster eh Guille?

I believe someone told me if I needed help, to just ask. I guess not



all im saying is that the root of this wholeeee ordeal is from "taking donations" it has spiraled so much out of control that to read how you would like for sumone to give you a loan is COMPLETELY REDICULOUS just with the fact that you couldnt deliver t-shirts how do you expect to pay a loan back + interest?

you literrally just wrote how your having trouble "keeping your head above water" how do you expect to get a loan after writing that?

and the economy has BEEN bad

stop asking things from ppl just sell your product and deliver

ppl make shit to confusing

its like a slap in tha face to be asking more frm ppl after everything
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I asked to hang on your arm when we were selling love dyno stickers so we can be more approachable. You put people at ease, and thats just handling the situation better, not avoiding it. Listen, I appreciated your help and compensated you. Obviously things are better as with a teammate but things got in the way. Lets move on please.

Suan thats crap, you admited you were scared to me.. freakin man up. Yeah we were trying to sell dyno stickers at one point during that event, but the moment we got there you didnt wanna face anyone because of what you did.

So please get out whatever you want to say about me, but don't please don't blame me for wasting your time. It's obvious you loathe it. Those people who's friendships you lost, showed you their true colors as well, don't pull the wool over your eyes, because you're not friends with me anymore.

NO, cause they were all right about you. I didnt wanna listen to people talking bad about you.. I thought that you would come threw, and yet still havent.

and Im not the one hating on you for asking a loan, please do your thing if someone is willing to help out, good go ahead. But your just getting your head deeper under water, with asking for more money.. you used their money, now use yours, save a little each pay check, but get them their stuff.. and I have a right to blame you for wasting my time, and using me cause thats all you did, and Im so pissed at you for it.

You should be really sorry to the ones you've hurt threw all this, and were the real ones supporting you. Anyone can give money for a shirt.. and support your company.. but the supporting I did was beyond that.

and no point in keeping this in PMs the kid wont reply to crap.. and like I said.. People need to know wtf is up, and ask for you all not to relate us anymore. Me + him = NOTHING!
....... ask for a loan?

Go ask obama for a handout. Oh wait thats right obama just said today everything that he promised would take a bit longer than he planned.... Probably because its never gonna happen. Just like these shirts.

Tj where you @?

hey leave obama out of this guille!:ugh:
you need to stop asking ppl for things

ppl get there cars repoed ppl go to jail ppl get there homes foreclosed

doesnt mean you should get a loan or even deserve(shirts situation) one wen times are hard.

im about to lose my house who wants to make donations or give me a loan?

real talk you jut insulted everyone who got fucked with the shirt ordeal with asking for a loan

like im kinda stunned you even thought you could pull that and the yellow font just made it all that more priceless
I believe someone told me if I needed help, to just ask. I guess not

and I believe someone told me that they wouldnt give out names and contact information to me because it would be cutting into their business, how they couldnt do that because you had to make a living, and then insulted me by giving me the first 4 hits on google for "tshirt making"

If you showed ANY sort of feeling behind trying to rectify this situation and man up...I might be more inclined to help someone in need. So whats not good enough to be assisted in my vision, but good enough to beg for money. I also remember someone telling me that my work ethic sucked and I would get nowhere. May I throw out im behind 65 sticker orders that are on backorder and waiting to be cut? These people arent giving me their money on good faith because of my fucked work ethic

By the way, hows that business coming along man?
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I'll get the money, maybe not from anyone here. But I'm trying, and I'm not going to stop.

I wish you keep fighting for your house. It's all we can do. What happened to pm's?

and I believe someone told me that they wouldnt give out names and contact information to me because it would be cutting into their business, how they couldnt do that because you had to make a living, and then insulted me by giving me the first 4 hits on google for "tshirt making"

I looked up a lot of screen-printing" businesses for you. I went into detail about prices. Plus we discussed and squashed that. Now you want to bring it up?

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im just letting potential investors know whats up bruh. I just think its funny that you were once too good for the likes of Genki Style, now you are asking me for work. you could have been up to your throat in business with me but joo missed out.

less handouts, more productivity
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I admit that to you. I'm learning as I go. I read, It's not how high you get, but how high you bounce back up when you fall. Following Mark Ecko's story.
So what's going to be the final situation how many more months/ years?
i hate wen ppl do that :sigh:

I was a good friend and gave you the most help, the most understanding, gave many donations, and funds from the love dyno stickers we made.. and the very most supportive of you.. to say the least. Ive lost friendships, over defending your honor. I had people disliking me which is very uncommon. Which I am no longer doing..

Im sorry but this is just bull crap. I recall a drift event, when you were hanging on to me to avoid people from being mad at you, cause they wouldnt confront you with me there. Okay you might be working on shit now, or whatever but I know you have tried to avoid the situation before.

Ive done everything I could for you suaknee, my bad the new you is "swone".. the new you really needs a reality check, on buisness and making your customers happy.. You think any of these people are going to buy from you again after this.. You again have ended our friendship.. and Im tried of everyone still relating me to you. So everyone knows we are not friends. Ive finally seen the true colors this kid shows. I cant be friends with someone like this.

I feel really bad for you chris. I really do. Im not saying all this on here.. to play this "so called game" you call, that Im trying to seem better then you. Everyone on here is mad at you, I would be too. But the need to know, so I can stop being called out for being your only supporter. I helped you chris we did it together and got them the red shirts out.. you seemed to be doing fine when I left, I thought you would have gotten your crap together..guess not.

I have alot more I could say to this, But I really dont have much left to say to you.. Im really just wasting my time.

You made this a problem by not delivering.. you need to find the solution.. NOT THEM!!

Yo your a grimmey ass friend..... suan good luck wit everything bro i hope everything works out fo da best
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