haunted areas in Florida

In the link it shows the so called Krome insane asylum. Which is known as krome penit to the graffiti community. The krome insane asylum is really an army base constructed in early 1965 in response to the Cuban Missile Crisis and was the Integrated Fire Control(IFC) Facility for the Nike Missile site titled HM-95 D/2/52. No, it was not an Insane Asylum. These Nike sites were split into two locations. One was the radar communications and control facility (IFC), where they did targeting and fire control, and the other was the Launcher area (L), with the actual missile sheds/silos. The Launcher area was located where what is now the Krome INS Facility. All the Nike Missile sites in South Florida were shut down and decommissioned in June 1979 and the site was most likely abandoned and partially dismantled at that point. In 1980 the site was revived and was used in some capacity during the Mariel Boatlift to house immigrants, but eventually became unused again after the focus shifted to the current INS Krome facility. After that it became used by the CIA as a High Frequency Radio site as well as storage for an emergency command vehicle. Like many of South Florida's Penits, it probably became unused after damage during Hurriance Andrew and was eventually abandoned. It subsequently became a penit that got popular in the early 2000's after the demolition of the Hialeah, Malibu, and Airport Penits. A majority of the building is in a barracks style, with many small rooms off a main hallyway, with several large rooms on the northwest side of the structures. The open fields to the north and west of the building originally held large radio towers for scanning for incoming planes/missiles. It is frequently visited by paintballers, the police, and paranormal nuts who falsely beleive it is an insane asylum.

Just wanted to clear that up
Im sorry I went to Hialeah High C/O 05 and iv never heard that. The auditorium was built in 05 and i don't remember of a girl being raped on the news.
In the link it shows the so called Krome insane asylum. Which is known as krome penit to the graffiti community. The krome insane asylum is really an army base constructed in early 1965 in response to the Cuban Missile Crisis and was the Integrated Fire Control(IFC) Facility for the Nike Missile site titled HM-95 D/2/52. No, it was not an Insane Asylum. These Nike sites were split into two locations. One was the radar communications and control facility (IFC), where they did targeting and fire control, and the other was the Launcher area (L), with the actual missile sheds/silos. The Launcher area was located where what is now the Krome INS Facility. All the Nike Missile sites in South Florida were shut down and decommissioned in June 1979 and the site was most likely abandoned and partially dismantled at that point. In 1980 the site was revived and was used in some capacity during the Mariel Boatlift to house immigrants, but eventually became unused again after the focus shifted to the current INS Krome facility. After that it became used by the CIA as a High Frequency Radio site as well as storage for an emergency command vehicle. Like many of South Florida's Penits, it probably became unused after damage during Hurriance Andrew and was eventually abandoned. It subsequently became a penit that got popular in the early 2000's after the demolition of the Hialeah, Malibu, and Airport Penits. A majority of the building is in a barracks style, with many small rooms off a main hallyway, with several large rooms on the northwest side of the structures. The open fields to the north and west of the building originally held large radio towers for scanning for incoming planes/missiles. It is frequently visited by paintballers, the police, and paranormal nuts who falsely beleive it is an insane asylum.

Just wanted to clear that up

a bit wordy...but TY for clearing it up. i hate people spreading all this talk about a insane asylum, lol
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ive been to the asylum at night. and i walked down that little road where the burnt truck is....pretty scary shit. take a bat or shank in case of shit if u plan to visit
Good thing I paintball there a lot because when I went at night there was some guy who offered to "give us a Tour" by luring us deep into the woods to ROB our asses. When he pulled out the knife I booked it! Like I said good thing I knew my way around the place. True story no joke:mad:

Be careful at night cause u never know or just carry the Glock!:cool:
Good thing I paintball there a lot because when I went at night there was some guy who offered to "give us a Tour" by luring us deep into the woods to ROB our asses. When he pulled out the knife I booked it! Like I said good thing I knew my way around the place. True story no joke:mad:

Be careful at night cause u never know or just carry the Glock!:cool:

and another thing. DONT go there with new shoes. paintballs owned my new reeboks that day:ugh:
Good thing I paintball there a lot because when I went at night there was some guy who offered to "give us a Tour" by luring us deep into the woods to ROB our asses. When he pulled out the knife I booked it! Like I said good thing I knew my way around the place. True story no joke:mad:

Be careful at night cause u never know or just carry the Glock!:cool:

damn u got owned. thats why i never trust people i don't know ESPECIALLY if they are offering you something for free. You know they are gonna want something in return (without you knowing of course). lucky u didn't get raped :laugh:
damn u got owned. thats why i never trust people i don't know ESPECIALLY if they are offering you something for free. You know they are gonna want something in return (without you knowing of course). lucky u didn't get raped :laugh:

shit when i went it was me, 3 other guys and some chick. lol she was the one that was eager to go. we made a lil bonfire inside the building, it was cool but i wouldnt recomend going at night
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