Forza Motorsport 2




forza 2 tonight?

anyone down for playing some forza 2 on xbox live tonight with me and noel? kwkouki maybe? let me know!
FDrifting said:
anyone down for playing some forza 2 on xbox live tonight with me and noel? kwkouki maybe? let me know!

Do you really race or do you drift? Smplyz4k add me
just got the game i havent taken really many pics. but check out my superbadass cumstom fd. hahaha i love it wakka wakka wakka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
heres the ones i got.

i went ahead and threw away the pacman design and went with something bigger and better. it took me about 4 hours to do, but i actually managed to replicate imamura's apex fd from d1 i think i did a decent job. it was a pain. idiots buy this paint scheme of me for like 500k credits tho.




Dude I was trying to make that design today and just gave up and just put a couple APEX'i logos on it lol. I want that paint job dude lol
seriously the car was a bitch, all the apexi logos were red, and since you cant change the color and they're all black on the game i had to custom draw them. i have a pad of paper scribbled with hundreds of sizes, coordinations, and angles for every symbol on that game.. it was seriously crazy.

if you buy a spirit r rx7 and gift it to me, i'll past my design on your car and give it back. that way you can be hot shit like me.

my gamertag is grandmasterfive. let me know. maybe you can give me a car i need for the transaction:)
Dood you wanna try to make a genki style penguin for me? I dont have alot of cash but I do have alot of cars. PLEEEEEEASE!
just give me lots of pics of what you want man, i'll see what i can do.

i'm a loser so i enjoy this kind of stuff.

and do you want just a penguin on the car? or a whole design. put some pics on here and let me know.
hahah it only took me 1 1/2 hours to do the penguin i did alright i think. kwkouki's going to post pics soon i hope.
I got you covered man. Dood thank you so much. Lemme know what audi and VW exactly and I will send them your way. Thanks again.

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