Fl To Be Next Cali! Noooo Emissions!

240SicknessX said:
I support this, If any of you have watched Al Gore's documentary title "An Inconvenient Truth" you would understand where I am coming from.

And dont think just because you have a modified engine that means you wont pass emissions testing. Read a book about it and you will be able to alter your car to pass emissions testing. I know I can.

if they are truly adopting Cali rules and regs... anything not stock as equipped from delivery date FAILS! not even CAI Plug wires... NOTHING! ive seen cars in cali fail for a Chrome air cleaner lid... It wasn't factory and reason for failure. weather you pass the pipe test or not. I grew up in Cali and knew people who would motor swap 1 time every 2 years just to pass smog.. now adays its tougher as cops can impound cars if they are not factory.
silkywilson240 said:
if they are truly adopting Cali rules and regs... anything not stock as equipped from delivery date FAILS! not even CAI Plug wires... NOTHING! ive seen cars in cali fail for a Chrome air cleaner lid... It wasn't factory and reason for failure. weather you pass the pipe test or not. I grew up in Cali and knew people who would motor swap 1 time every 2 years just to pass smog.. now adays its tougher as cops can impound cars if they are not factory.
The day CHP laws pass on to FHP, peace out FL and helloooo GA/NC.
If the emission are going to be anything like they are here in North Carolina you guys are all pretty safe. Here in NC Cars with OBD1 are emissions exempt. Just a horn, light, and cat ( you can give the guy $5 and hes happy to say you had it), brake light check. As it is Florida is already going in sink in the ocean, I got a extra room for 1 lol. Mountain roads, snowboarding, easy girls, cheaper insurance, cheaper housing, pay is the same. Basically NC > SFL.
Please don't start on AL Gore. I was going to write a book but I won't. Research both sides first before you take a politicians word over a scientist.

#1 issue is that these scientists for the most part are funded by agencies and people to find out if this is real or not. They say is isn't real.... *poof* there go their research dollars. They just made themselves worthless. If they do say this is happening then they'll get countless millions for years to come to "determine the impacts and find ways to combat it". That's codeword for passing off shoddy science to people who are to ignorant or don't car to review the facts and make an educated decision. That being said. I am more than happy to support my view. This thread isn't the place for it. PM me and I'll give you some links to start reading.

Emissions is the worst fucking idea ever. There are so many other ways to combat pollution. Start with the St. Johns river.... The local industrial areas here have dumped countless metric tons of waste into the St. Johns.... The current estimate to START fixing, not fix, the river........ over 1 billion, and it increases daily. Point...... we don't need emissions. Tell new york to adopt CA restrictions. I feel that it's just another vehicle, no pun intended, for the greedy politicians on both sides to line thier pockets.
remember there will always be a way to get "black market" smog stickers. thats what ima be doing.
fuck all that bullshit.

up in boston my old man used to just buy the stickers. fuck doing the tests.

ways around.
hopefully this will stop the pick ups and cars that are falling apart while going down the road and are blwoing out massive amounts of black smoke. i know it will suck for a lot of people. but think about the fact that you will see about 20 vehicles that are driven by people who aren't even legally allowed to be here, and their cars aren't registered, so god forbid they hit you cause they will run. and their cars are just rust buckets causing insane amounts of pollution. if u have to alter some things just to pass the test, then isn;t it worth it to save the state you live in? i support this all the way. i would prefer to breath and to not have our deathly humid days every year. cleaner air, means less smog, less humidity, and better living areas. i may just be a tree hugging gyspy, but if i raise kids here, i would like them to not choke when they step outside. too many people in a state that has beat down cars made from ten other cars and no exhaust at all. lol. not good.
^^^^ + a billion. lol. clinton was a great prez. i must say. and even jeb was wanting to push the same bill. its been talked about in florida for the past few years.
this sucks but since my dads owns ashop and he use to do the testing back when it was mandatory i guess im straight if this goes through but sucks for some people and imagine how much it sucks fo all those guys with big block donks on 26" lol those will prolly never pass i still hope it doesnt go throu
The Redline 03 said:
This sucks, I love how they get to vote on it and not us. Supposely we vote for people so they do what we want, there's a reason they call them public servants. It seems like the other way around. I love how these people vote for their own pay raises, when have you ever heard of people doing a horrible job get a pay increase :mad: ?

Good luck to them trying to make people that can barely pay their housing bills, pay for emissions. There's a reason why so many people are moving. . .its because the FL gov't is just tighting up the noose on all of us because they can't do their job when we need them the most. There's a lot more subjects like home insurance, that they need to worry about before anything else. There's just a point that you tighten the noose too much and well. . .very bad things happen to the people in charge(just read up on some history).

the whole country is like that no where to run or hid
Ron Paul '08
new OBD2 cars dont need emissions testing... hence why so many states removed them since late 90's.. if they bring it back is just to steal money from us.... guys with hachis, 89-90 240s no need to worry if your car is 20 or older is a classic so no emissions testing for you.... We were talking about this in school, if the law do go through it will take effect in the late 2009-10
Jeb rejected the strict forms of controls, but proposed a lighter standard of enforecement.

FL police can stop cars pouring black smoke and falling apart, and they can cite them for faulty equipment. They can enforce the law currently on the books against derelict cars. They simply choose not to, or selectivly enforce FL emissions laws on whom they please.

Case in point..... When was the last time you saw a Harley rider get a ticket for his straight pipe exhaust??? But you have over-enforcement in S FL where one guy on this board, or FL drift, got two tickets in as many days for his exhaust. When he asked why he had gotten one, although he recieved one the day before, the officer replied because he hadn't gotten one that day, and they will ticket him each day until it's fixed.

B.S. I'm all for stopping cars that are poopey, but CA laws are draconian. If you want to tackle REAL pollution, then industries need to have tighter restrictions. Industry is the WORST polluters.
OB2 Cars do need emission Testing. Anyting With OBD2 will be tested alot harder than OBD1. OBD1 is usually tested only for saftey features, IE, horn, lights, brake lights ect...
"The purpose of the on-board diagnostic system on vehicles is to ensure the emissions control system and other engine-related components are operating properly. The OBD test will replace traditional exhaust tests for most 1996 and newer model vehicles"

Matt you are ghey
Few things I'd like to say:

Fuck you SUV drivers for driving poor emissions vehicles that avoid the gas guzzler tax based on a technicality dumb ass congressmen overlooked back in the day. You all suck and I hate you. Unless you actually use your SUV (more than once every 3 years) to tow shit and do things - then it serves a purpose and you're cool. This goes out to my mother too btw - fuck you.

Do any of you remember when FL used to have mandatory emissions testing? It was horrible but this sort of practice seems inevitable. I actually love driving with my windows down and there's nothing more disgusting than some POS Hatian mobile or lawn truck spewing black smoke straight at me. Instant headache. I'm all for passing emissions standards but what sucks is all the other bs that goes along with it - OBD crap and modification rules.

You know what else is inevitable? A state tax. I can't wait to hear everybody bitch about that when it happens - and trust me, it will happen.

Clinton was/is a fag and if he had any say over what was going on in our state from an emissions POV, he'd be asking Gore which means we'd have gone back to mandatory testing and then some years ago.

I'd also like to ask - how many of you that could, voted? If you did, did anybody do any research as to who you are voting for and why? Christ's agenda was not some big undisclosed secret.
This won't affect older cars, so there's no need for anyone to piss their pants. There already is legal precedent stating that whatever mods you have prior to emissions legislation, you are grandfathered in. Only new cars sold as model year 2009 and newer would be required to meet this legislation. This may sound bad to anyone set on buying the 2009 Camaro or Corvette, but does anyone think that has stopped us power hungry folk before? The aftermarket rules baby, and I don't know about you guys, but I intend on modding my rides 'till I'm bolted into a casket.
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Tonymac said:
Few things I'd like to say:

Fuck you SUV drivers for driving poor emissions vehicles that avoid the gas guzzler tax based on a technicality dumb ass congressmen overlooked back in the day. You all suck and I hate you. Unless you actually use your SUV (more than once every 3 years) to tow shit and do things - then it serves a purpose and you're cool. This goes out to my mother too btw - fuck you.

Do any of you remember when FL used to have mandatory emissions testing? It was horrible but this sort of practice seems inevitable. I actually love driving with my windows down and there's nothing more disgusting than some POS Hatian mobile or lawn truck spewing black smoke straight at me. Instant headache. I'm all for passing emissions standards but what sucks is all the other bs that goes along with it - OBD crap and modification rules.

You know what else is inevitable? A state tax. I can't wait to hear everybody bitch about that when it happens - and trust me, it will happen.

Clinton was/is a fag and if he had any say over what was going on in our state from an emissions POV, he'd be asking Gore which means we'd have gone back to mandatory testing and then some years ago.

I'd also like to ask - how many of you that could, voted? If you did, did anybody do any research as to who you are voting for and why? Christ's agenda was not some big undisclosed secret.

I dont think commercial vehicles get tested so you'll have to continue to suck fumes from huge ass dump trucks and shitty lawn surface trucks.
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