Fl To Be Next Cali! Noooo Emissions!

I read somewhere that the bill is being signed but it wont go into action till 2009 and or wont pertain to cars 2009 and under. However the article was very vague and I am not sure if I read it correctly.

There would have to be some grandfather rule, how can they say "you can do what you want to your car" then turn around and say "Ok all that stuff we said you can do we changed our minds also all those mods that took you years to do you got till 12 am tomorrow to reverse".

I dont know I have a DD but I like driving my car on the streets from time to time.
This sucks, I love how they get to vote on it and not us. Supposely we vote for people so they do what we want, there's a reason they call them public servants. It seems like the other way around. I love how these people vote for their own pay raises, when have you ever heard of people doing a horrible job get a pay increase :mad: ?

Good luck to them trying to make people that can barely pay their housing bills, pay for emissions. There's a reason why so many people are moving. . .its because the FL gov't is just tighting up the noose on all of us because they can't do their job when we need them the most. There's a lot more subjects like home insurance, that they need to worry about before anything else. There's just a point that you tighten the noose too much and well. . .very bad things happen to the people in charge(just read up on some history).
R.I.N.O Republican In Name Only....... Fuckers. I'm independant Conservative. Please don't get me confused with a republican, and dammit not some nutty ass liberal. Crazy shits.

Back on topic. Emissions make me wanna cry like a small child who didn't get the christmas presents that they wanted. Crist is a shithead.

Cut property Taxes, Great!
Set-up emissions, costing countless millions to set up the department with worthless smog ref's and other civil union employee's (JUST LIKE THE ONES IN THE DMV WHO TAKE 138729612348394 HOURS TO DO ANYTHING) and what do you get??? Another parasitic waste of taxpayer dollars for many years to come..... There's a reason why FL got rid of that yrs. ago!

noooooooo none of my POS cars would pass! lol If they do this then fuck it im moving to Cali, its the only other place i can imagine moving and since FL will have the same BS laws as tehre mights as well live there, its so much better there.
i actually think my car would pass if it wasn't running so damn rich, i got a cat on it. just need to get it tuned, but like sinister 7 said, if they do sign this, they will grandfather cars in, and most likely it wont go into effect for a few years
haha im running 4x1000c injectors with 3 inches straight back. i would like to get it tested just to seee how much i polute.
if my car doesnt get grandfathered in. its comng off the streets. which aint a big deal for me personally.

but sucks x 1billion. who has time for smog tests?
I support this, If any of you have watched Al Gore's documentary title "An Inconvenient Truth" you would understand where I am coming from.

And dont think just because you have a modified engine that means you wont pass emissions testing. Read a book about it and you will be able to alter your car to pass emissions testing. I know I can.
I am all for it too but older cars weren't made to meet the same standards that the newer ones are, I am sure they are going to come up with something reasonable though we will see, I mean if they go balls out strict then the junkyards are going to fill up with other wise fine running cars and just pollute another way.

In the end the only people really affected are the poor so dont look for any help from your politicians.
This seems like such a waste of tax payer dollars.........

Building schools
having quality teachers in schools
hurricane rebuilds
expanded road ways (hell if people could get to work faster they wouldnt be polluting nearly as much)
Tornado warning systems
Increased quality of areas to sell on tourism
removal of lake pollution
More pay for law enforement
More Law Enforcement
Improvements at airport safety

are all more important than checking if my car is SMOG safe. Not to mention running the market for many FL businesses.

The worst part...... as with any other state that does this. Often the most corrupt devision of the governement and are always the ones talked of taking cash and giving free passes.

foolish choices by a party known for being "conservative" or in other words not changing things because they will solve themselves. Love how ironic these people are yet they still always get voted for by elderly people and others who dont look at what they really do. Woohoo they promise to reduce taxes........ look what other amazing things they are doing.(not trying to start a political war just so sick of the republic ideology that is so conveniently overlooked once they get their paid job)
The_Sinister_7 said:
In the end the only people really affected are the poor so dont look for any help from your politicians.

Elections are still years away for governor. They can mess around all they want and when its election time you drop taxes or give them a cut and suddenly you're the favorite again.
hell 70% of the cars in miami cant pass emmissions, this will be interesting. Looks like those exhaust tickets are gonna start raining down..
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