Fl To Be Next Cali! Noooo Emissions!

The ethanol requirement for city vehicles is A SHAM!!!! Ethanol takes more energy to create and drives up the costs of almost everything. Not too mention there will be hundreds of thousands in Africa starving becuase we will be cutting back our humanitarian corn shipments there. These politicians are pushing ethanol like its a cure-all.... do some research. They're getting campaign contributions from companies that make ethanol. What do they do in return??? Make legislation REQUIRING city vehicles to use it if it's there.... What a crock.

Biodiesel is much cleaner, takes less energy to create, and can be run all those huge rigs crossing the country shipping goods. But why aren't the politicians screaming for it??? After all, all these resturants and places THROW THE GREASE AWAY. Because their coffer's aren't being stuffed by an industry that makes it.... Hell for a couple hundred dollars in supplies and about 4 hours in you garage, YOU can make your own for next to nothing. There was even an SUV in the Gumball 3000 running biodiesel. I wouldn't mind sitting next to a truck that smelt like potato chips. Then again, some whack job will tell us that smelling that will make americans fat cause it'll start a craving for junk food......

The world turns and the politicians make money of ignorant americans who are too lazy to research shit or care about their country. Give me more american Idol... I don't wanna hear about how we're being robbed blind.
Posted at teh same time. This is for The_Sinister_7:

I'm not talking about commercial vehicles though. Thanks.
Those are the ones that always get me though, also all the crap they drop off their trucks. Maybe I have bad luck but I seen some crazy stuff fall off trucks on 95.
The_Sinister_7 said:
Those are the ones that always get me though, also all the crap they drop off their trucks. Maybe I have bad luck but I seen some crazy stuff fall off trucks on 95.

i was coming up on a distant truck and see a matress fall out the bed, this other time water beralls fell from a cargo truck... hence why i dont do i95 anymore.. oh and had a semi do a tire blow out infront of me... :bigthumbu makes life sorta feel like a video game
Okami said:
i was coming up on a distant truck and see a matress fall out the bed, this other time water beralls fell from a cargo truck... hence why i dont do i95 anymore.. oh and had a semi do a tire blow out infront of me... :bigthumbu makes life sorta feel like a video game

I was right next to a tractor trailer when that shit happened. Windows down coming back from a long trip to ATL. Scared the poo out of me.

The_Sinister_7 said:
Those are the ones that always get me though, also all the crap they drop off their trucks. Maybe I have bad luck but I seen some crazy stuff fall off trucks on 95.

I could be wrong, but I think those DOT cars are supposed to deal with commercial vehicles. I've seen em pull tractor trailers over before. Not so sure their purpose however.
The article I read said commercial vehicles would be exempt, However I did state before that the article was pretty vague so i dont know how true it is, although it said everything dudocious has said so maybe there is some validity to it.
I blame Al Gore for his stupid Enviro movie and celebrities that back him and do concerts like Live Earth to boost themselves up in the media to scare people to do things such as supporting them.
"The purpose of the on-board diagnostic system on vehicles is to ensure the emissions control system and other engine-related components are operating properly. The OBD test will replace traditional exhaust tests for most 1996 and newer model vehicles"

Matt you are ghey
Yeah they plug in to the computer to make sure everything is alright, which means modifying cars for OBD2 is harder. I have to do emissions every year, they dont do the exhaust test anymore here, just the OBD2 test . Sooo if you have OBD1 you are exempt for SMOG testing. OBD1 here is just a vehicle safety check. lights, horns, and things like that.

Your ghey, like Fl.
Tonymac said:
Fuck you SUV drivers for driving poor emissions vehicles that avoid the gas guzzler tax based on a technicality dumb ass congressmen overlooked back in the day. You all suck and I hate you. Unless you actually use your SUV (more than once every 3 years) to tow shit and do things - then it serves a purpose and you're cool. This goes out to my mother too btw - fuck you.

yes...wat i really hate is all the fuckers who are "eco-friendly", yet drive a hummer...or even better when SUV drivers put a "Support the troops" yellow ribbon on their gas-guzzling SUV during a war for oil

Tonymac said:
Clinton was/is a fag and if he had any say over what was going on in our state from an emissions POV, he'd be asking Gore which means we'd have gone back to mandatory testing and then some years ago.

as much as i <3 clinton, i have to agree.

Tonymac said:
I'd also like to ask - how many of you that could, voted? If you did, did anybody do any research as to who you are voting for and why? Christ's agenda was not some big undisclosed secret.

i voted, like i always have since i turned 18, and I voted for Christ, and I normally don't vote for Republicans. I voted for him mainly because his property tax relief bill, which i really believe everyone in FL needs.
i better get some rhd before this goes 2 shit dammit, if ur gonna import anything do it now because itll become a bitch to register anything once this shit is in place like cali, so get what u wat then we can worry bout findin a smogger to pay off u know
geese this sucks
IMO the emissions law will be most beneficial to street venders.... i remember when it used to be in effect here, water venders made a killing @ the smog testing place. there were ways to make your car "legal" for 48 hours back then there will be ways to do the same again.... all this is going to do is ruin 1 day out of everyone's life while they sit in their car for hours in a line. I'm all for clean air and helping the environment, but emissions testing is not the first thing that needs to change, this should be @ the bottom of the list of what needs changing around here. if cops would decide to enforse the current laws and actually make the rust buckets that throw black smog out @ idle, and all these turbo desils that give out indian smoke signals everytime they mash teh gas, those instant headaches would be reduced. commercial vehicles should be the main ones getting tested for this if it takes effect, because they are on the road atleast 6 hours a day, the average personal car is on teh road for what 2 maybe 3 hours a day...

think about it, you drive to work, lunch, back to work, home, and somewhere close by for most of the week every week... every once in a while you'll spend 4 hours on a road trip. commercial trucks drive day and night all over the place @ all times. why should we get the emissions testing and they get exempt? I say if this takes efect commercial trucks should be the first to get this enforced on.
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