first girl trying to drift in ft myers

Yeah man I feel you but my name isn't that hard to say lol. If she wants to post pics thats up to her, theres a thread she can do that on. I will say it was a good day to see two girls in my 86 ;) .
what the fuck one day and 6 pages on a topic of a girl drifting and breaking a control... wow, im not an ass or anything though good job and have fun. and enter an event so you can get orange status.
PLEASE go to an event. There was some girl on here that supposedly had a ca and she just dissapeared. show your stuff, good luck.

Ps : almost to 10 pages in one day, wow
Choku_Dorian said:
i thought you were getting an s14?

s13's are for me.

shes not new, wtflol.

question is why she has blue namer still. its not street drifting if its on a track... :laugh:

would she be the first female with orange??
heey hey im aslow on the site sumtimes so many people posting so man threads :laugh: plus im a lil caked :D
charlie a.k.a. chuck said:
reading your posts makes me want to throw my monitor out, how can you spell something wrong and then five words latter you spell damn.
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
and wen i reed u having a problem with it makes meh wanna laugh and right even stupyder deal with it u understtud it guud

thats stupid she joins the forum her ex is on lol come on EVERYONE EVERYONE LOOK AT ME lol
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