first girl trying to drift in ft myers

PlatanoDrifter said:
Only drop Tops will get chicks ;)

Hmm... well mine's a roadster... (shrugs) Just not sexy enough to get cute girls... :( Fat girls always seem to come by my car(ACK!)



I know ricers have their code of conduct, they like this but I refuse !

But I can't do that... sorry :(
Hahah :laugh:
Damn this thread grew quick lol. I'm not surprised to see you drift. I can't say many girls around here actually enjoy sitting shotgun in a car thats drifting but you did in the 86. The funny thing is the instant I got out of the 86 to help Ryan, while leaving it running who happens to jump in the driver seat lol? Well, I wish you the best and I'm sure you'll get good deals on whatever parts you want. . .lucky :D .
The Redline 03 said:
Damn this thread grew quick lol. I'm not surprised to see you drift. I can't say many girls around here actually enjoy sitting shotgun in a car thats drifting but you did in the 86. The funny thing is the instant I got out of the 86 to help Ryan, while leaving it running who happens to jump in the driver seat lol? Well, I wish you the best and I'm sure you'll get good deals on whatever parts you want. . .lucky :D .

i was looking for you!
how do u spell ur name lol
jackamo lol sry if i butchered it
do u have the pics of me in your corolla??
md2020 said:
i was looking for you!
how do u spell ur name lol
jackamo lol sry if i butchered it
do u have the pics of me in your corolla??

JACKAMO hahahaha

I'm not making fun of you, its just funny to see it typed like that, its Giacomo
eNtRy SpEeD said:
JACKAMO hahahaha

I'm not making fun of you, its just funny to see it typed like that, its Giacomo

idc that's the weirdest name i've ever heard and attempted to spell
i knew i'd butcher it
but thanks
Someone else took that pic :eek: , I do have a vid I posted on here of that day. It barely shows you in the FD and your friend in the 86 during the tandems. Oh and its Giacomo :D . I do plan on going back to that track to give it a good farewell, we are also trying to get a local little event going on here at Countyline(check the vid out in the "drifting vids" section).

md2020 said:
idc that's the weirdest name i've ever heard and attempted to spell
i knew i'd butcher it
but thanks

Its not that bad, its an Italian name geez lol. I've gotten worse before, so its all good.
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15 minutes can save you 15% or more on drift pictures...

LOL sorry i cant figure out how to pronounce it by reading it :bigthumbu
PlatanoDrifter said:
15 minutes can save you 15% or more on drift pictures...

LOL sorry i cant figure out how to pronounce it by reading it :bigthumbu

Its not that hard lol. . . Gia - co - mo.
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