Easter drifting with Nopi at Port Charlotte

Tim? said:
I wasnt being eno,I was contimplating how much the repares will cost.BTW fuck you all. :)

Hahahahaha. Its okay Tim, we love you regardless. From what it looked like, some fiberglass, paint, and probably a hardcore alignment and your good as new :bigthumbu
Tim? said:
I wasnt being eno,I was contimplating how much the repares will cost.BTW fuck you all. :)

Im lucky im still alive cause according to the spectators I was the one who crashed your car

Don't Kill me Tim..... At least let me send out the paperwork first!
Here are some teasers... More to come tomm guys. :bigthumbu







can we stick to the point of this thred and stop talking shit all of you.. i try'ed to crash well make sweet love to the wall but i just couldent mess up my two day old paint on my (((grey coupe with little wheels))) big ups to all especily tim for the crash and tracy for the demonstration on how to frezze behind the wheel its all good tho

i love meg

i love meg for all the pics
AKsamuraiS14 said:
u never had the right to talk shit...

I'm so gonna cry later!!!!!!!!!! its on! I had to talk shit about somebody i was friends with everybody else on the forum. but that has all ended we are mostly all friends now and look at what we have become. so big ups to all the teams.

except Hit n run garage for a 0 car show up. tied with stage 6 i think for a final score if that counts for anything.
Damn, I cant wait for more pics Megh... you tease us oh soooo badly :p

I'd also like to thank Mehgan (and all of MyCulture of course) for the picture of all of us together, and most especially for the Pizza Hut sponsorship. Nothing else could have a more perfect ending than free food with everyone that was at the event after we were all broke from drifting.

You guys rock because you know exactly what we need. When it comes down to track support, MyC is A++ in my book.
rwdrift said:
Damn, I cant wait for more pics Megh... you tease us oh soooo badly :p

I'd also like to thank Mehgan (and all of MyCulture of course) for the picture of all of us together, and most especially for the Pizza Hut sponsorship. Nothing else could have a more perfect ending than free food with everyone that was at the event after we were all broke from drifting.

You guys rock because you know exactly what we need. When it comes down to track support, MyC is A++ in my book.

then wheres ur shirt from them?
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