Desoto Drift Mar 2nd

i might be making the drive, i'm only backing off becuase i'm way monthly overbudget with speeding fines. on the good side i got tires already mounted and the car prepped since tuesday o_O !!
i know, the issue with the tire changer is injuries stemming from the use of it by unqualified people. the track owner has a guy he trusts to use it even thought i assured him 80% of the drifters have worked at tire shops. if the gentleman he normally employs decides to work our event we will have it and they guy is badass fast and doesnt damage wheel lips. if he doesnt show, then we might not.

Rob, I know you got this man, glad to see your coming back :)
make something out of some spare aluminum you have lying around. I dont have a battery box, but what they mean is something so the battery doesn't go flying around in the car.
brett told me desoto requires a battery box for relocated batteries. true or false?

Thats the rule at almost every track :bigthumbu

make something out of some spare aluminum you have lying around. I dont have a battery box, but what they mean is something so the battery doesn't go flying around in the car.

your talkin about a tie down he needs a box if its in his car not in the bay.
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brett told me desoto requires a battery box for relocated batteries. true or false?

Very good idea, im not 100% on this, I have not had to tech a car with a relocated battery with out one....

You build roll cages and intercooler piping and everything and you cant make a battery box?
i dont believe this event does no. but nopi itself does. but for this event it needs to be bolted down with a real holder at the minimum. no zip tied batteries and shit.

nopi also REQUIRES an exterior master cut off switch that is clearly marked IF the batt is relocated from stock position.
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well I'm stoked. Everything has come together for me to make this event.

Should be a blast.

Just hope all that sand down in the bottom X isn't so bad this time around!

Track should be sticky cause weather says sunny with a high of 78!

Who's judging? The norms?
got my new camera! and doesnt NOPI require a vented battery box like everyone else?

well there is me.
official nopi judge - rob fleming
official nopi judge - wha wha mike peters?!!?

any other seasoned pro that attends may help add input, and the newly licensed have the opp to join the judging staff and get a feel for the judging if hey choose.

drivers meeting is going to start at 9am guys, be at the gate at 8:00 and get in at get ready asap. if your car is not ready at 9 that is FINE, jsut get your ass to the meeting so we can start. tech will still be open. role call taken at drivers meeting and drivers not in attendance will get slapped with mpeter's peter in the face.
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3 hours. Lucky.
Im sitting in Bretts room listening to Mspeed play movies that he recoreded today.
Knife fight at Applebees, Stealing Dans FC.....shit was intentz.
so I guess Rob wrecked? I got there after qualifying and I hate myself for that.
Yep I dun Put my Car into another wall again.... OOOPs.

Ive got some footage post it later!

BUT amen for 65 ++ Entry Speeds!! Had a blast till that last run.

RIP S14 #1
Rip S14 #2

What should I build next cause I don't have luck with s14's i guess.
^^^^ damn dude u wrecked???!?! if its u srr bout that.. hope u alrite. and yes plz post pics and stuff! stop slacking! lmao and buid a rx7 now!
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