-D E S O T O __ D R I F T- Dec 5th 2009

no. i wasn't excited about that, but no is what i'm told

What...? :( Ridiculous. I'm getting outta here. Dudes in CA tandeming with no cage and 100mph entry speeds. That's what I'm talkin about.
What...? :( Ridiculous. I'm getting outta here. Dudes in CA tandeming with no cage and 100mph entry speeds. That's what I'm talkin about.
Wait so is this gonna be like Formula D style tandem drifting? or the regular go out and do your best and get judged? lmk i wanna drive in the advanced group but dont have a cage for tandem..
no tandem. we tried to get it, but they wont do it. come out and just see how you handle a set course and being judged (pressure)
yea, so, if i decide to do this, its going to be my first time drifting my new s14... and its going to be the first real time drifting since I hit a wall going 50mph... hmmm.. kinda an interesting decision...
yea, so, if i decide to do this, its going to be my first time drifting my new s14... and its going to be the first real time drifting since I hit a wall going 50mph... hmmm.. kinda an interesting decision...

just stay in center field. although i really hope they can remove the tractor tires for this event...
hahaha desoto lets actual circle track guys on the track, im talkin more then one. maybe if we put bird shit welds on our doors, that way they wont 'open', then theyd let us tandom. im gunna do it anyway.
just stay in center field. although i really hope they can remove the tractor tires for this event...

if we throw a fit about it they might move them, we do need to get this done, its a STUPID obstacle to have since its movable and no reason to be there for us.
they are a bitch.... i know i'd be a lot more calm and collected while driving with them taken out... hell, nearest thing to hit in the infield is the KA rails, and as far away as those are, if you hit one of those you shouldn't be driving anyways!
if we throw a fit about it they might move them, we do need to get this done, its a STUPID obstacle to have since its movable and no reason to be there for us.

and i think especially since its an event, they should at least take some time to get them out of the way..
are the tires really in the way??
No but it doesn't give you room for error where some are positioned. If you're careful and take the turns properly, the tires will be the last thing on your mind to worry about. If you screw up going into a turn that has a tire in the vicinity, good luck.
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