Countyline 7-10-10

been slacking a bit due to i went back to work today and parents came back from vaca. i promise to have more up tomorrow.
this is what really happend!
Watch Out

Yeah that was my car, from what I rember... I was pissed, that was my first and main mistake, I should have parked it, but I used the adrenaline to push that car harder then I ever had and ended up in the wall (and killing the clutch). Shit I knew it was going to happen one day and I had fuckin fun in the end and no one got hurt.
I was coming out hard, hugging the edge of the pad coming at the wall. I messed up by snaping the throttle closed and that was it, the weight came around so hard that I shot at the wall. So I got on the brakes (bad idea, I should have scared the shit out of every one and turned back at the center wall and flew by, but tim was pissed at me already so brakes were the second thought that took over). Sooooo I hit the brakes and over drove the front tires trying turn away, at this point I knew it was over, so I tryed to save the car as much as possible. I saw that gravel coming up so I layed in to the brakes hard, locked em right before I went off and BAM lol that was it. Towing her home sucked!!! but luckly my insurance going to cover the tow. I'm getting fucking AAA lol (Thank you Dad, saved my ass).

I spent 2 soild days working on her and damn the frame is bent just enough where I can't get a bumper suport on so next time I crash.... DONE

Thank you every one!!! For evrything!! That was a impotant lesson I had to learn at some point! OH YEAH awesome PICS!!!!!!!!!:bigthumbu
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Yeah that was my car, from what I rember... I was pissed, that was my first and main mistake, I should have parked it, but I used the adrenaline to push that car harder then I ever had and ended up in the wall (and killing the clutch). Shit I knew it was going to happen one day and I had fuckin fun in the end and no one got hurt.
I was coming out hard, hugging the edge of the pad coming at the wall. I messed up by snaping the throttle closed and that was it, the weight came around so hard that I shot at the wall. So I got on the brakes (bad idea, I should have scared the shit out of every one and turned back at the center wall and flew by, but tim was pissed at me already so brakes were the second thought that took over). Sooooo I hit the brakes and over drove the front tires trying turn away, at this point I knew it was over, so I tryed to save the car as much as possible. I saw that gravel coming up so I layed in to the brakes hard, locked em right before I went off and BAM lol that was it. Towing her home sucked!!! but luckly my insurance going to cover the tow. I'm getting fucking AAA lol (Thank you Dad, saved my ass).

I spent 2 soild days working on her and damn the frame is bent just enough where I can't get a bumper suport on so next time I crash.... DONE

Thank you every one!!! For evrything!! That was a impotant lesson I had to learn at some point! OH YEAH awesome PICS!!!!!!!!!:bigthumbu

but your car on a frame machince or use a really really big fuckin hammer and a torch thats what i did to get my bumper support back on. it works
you really want pics of your fail sauce cuz thats all i got

wow bro really, at least hes got his car out there, and all he is doing is asking for pictures which you are blatantly disregarding his polite requests... i am not the type to take sides but he asked a simple yes or no, there is no need to be calling it fail sauce... where is your car, or do you just hide behind the camera...

this is the reason for people not wanting to go to countyline, i know a lot of people who are like omg i cant go i dont wanna look bad cuz there are faggots like you out there calling it "FAIL SAUCE" i dont give a fuck what you think, and im surprised c hernandez still left you a polite reply after you said that... shit was his first event and he has only had the car for about 2 weeks... get the fuck outa here man, your pics arent even that great.
wow bro really, at least hes got his car out there, and all he is doing is asking for pictures which you are blatantly disregarding his polite requests... i am not the type to take sides but he asked a simple yes or no, there is no need to be calling it fail sauce... where is your car, or do you just hide behind the camera...

this is the reason for people not wanting to go to countyline, i know a lot of people who are like omg i cant go i dont wanna look bad cuz there are faggots like you out there calling it "FAIL SAUCE" i dont give a fuck what you think, and im surprised c hernandez still left you a polite reply after you said that... shit was his first event and he has only had the car for about 2 weeks... get the fuck outa here man, your pics arent even that great.

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wow wow wow! i never meant to disregard. it was just a statement so take the dicks out of your asses. as far as my car im actually trying to get my s14 ready for the next event. all i need is a few things. oh and one thing if you were actually interested in people coming out to countyline you would understand why i asked him why he wanted the pics. you want people to see the excitement and not the boring

Funny you say that, at least he actually drifting and not on the side taking pictures. Go kill yourself.

thats alot of shit to talk for one with a spectator status
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wow wow wow! i never meant to disregard. it was just a statement so take the dicks out of your asses. as far as my car im actually trying to get my s14 ready for the next event. all i need is a few things. oh and one thing if you were actually interested in people coming out to countyline you would understand why i asked him why he wanted the pics. you want people to see the excitement and not the boring

thats alot of shit to talk for one with a spectator status

there is no dick in my ass and i think its absolutely ridiculous how people on the sidelines talk about others driving... stfu and snap your little pictures... and spectator status or not, he is right, you dont drive you shoot...

and about people seeing the exciting not the boring send him the pics he did ask cuz he "FAILED" to have em sent via pm... anyway im not gunna change your attitude but i will not sit here and listen to shit talking about people at a skidpad where they are trying to learn... i will be excited to see your fail ass out there with your fail ass s14.. peace
there is no dick in my ass and i think its absolutely ridiculous how people on the sidelines talk about others driving... stfu and snap your little pictures... and spectator status or not, he is right, you dont drive you shoot...

and about people seeing the exciting not the boring send him the pics he did ask cuz he "FAILED" to have em sent via pm... anyway im not gunna change your attitude but i will not sit here and listen to shit talking about people at a skidpad where they are trying to learn... i will be excited to see your fail ass out there with your fail ass s14.. peace

there is no dick in my ass and i think its absolutely ridiculous how people on the sidelines talk about others driving... stfu and snap your little pictures... and spectator status or not, he is right, you dont drive you shoot...

and about people seeing the exciting not the boring send him the pics he did ask cuz he "FAILED" to have em sent via pm... anyway im not gunna change your attitude but i will not sit here and listen to shit talking about people at a skidpad where they are trying to learn... i will be excited to see your fail ass out there with your fail ass s14.. peace

bro get a fucking life and get out of this thread. you say you hate people on the sidelines talking about the driving, so what you gonna hate on the judges at a competition? you gonna hate your buddies if you drive an event and they say you failed. why dont you grow up already? the said incident was nearly a week ago and c hernandez didnt make a big of a scene about than you are. oh and yea so theres a 99% chance that i will fail, but im not gonna get all butt hurt over people saying my driving was fail sauce

As far as c hernandez, i will get you your pics. ive been a tad busy and will try to get them to you tomorrow
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