Confusion at NOPI

I think Mike Peters got crusified last weekend!! take, three judges, 21 drivers, no race control staff, no annoucer, no tech staff, no staff to organize the event, complete shit for a track setup, and drop them off at moroso to compete for $10,000, and you will see a blood bath!!!!

someone please quote me:

There is no one on this forum or any other forums that could've done what Mike, Rob, and Matt did with what little they had!!!!!!

Thats It...

if you were hired to JUDGE an event, and realized that NOPI didn't hire anyone else for the event, you'd be pissed!!!!!

they didn't hire an annoucer

they didn't hire anyone to do race control (staging, making rungroups, seting up tandem, running start gate)

they had Three ordinary people, put into an extrodinary circumstance and this is how it ended up!!!!

What if The Judges, would have treated this like you treat your job, and said the only thing they were going to do this weekend is Judge(which is what they were hired to do). You would not have had an event at all!!!!!!!!!

so, people talk shit......keep talking shit about how bad of a person MIke Peters is, but truth of the matter is, if it weren't for him stepping above his pay grade this weekend, there wouldn't have been an event!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

there were over 10 volenteers that stepped it up, donated there time and efforts, and tried to make this event happen...with no pay...

the reason there were so many drivers meetings, is because no one, not even NOPI had any Idea what was going on. The drivers meetings were the place where everybody found out what was going on for the next Three to four hours of that day. Usually the meetings went a little long, mostly due to answering driver's questions, and "what if senerios" also what the 08' NOPI Judging was looking for... shit like that...

St. Louis Should be Dramatically different!!!!!!!

if it isn't then I expect Mike, Rob, and Matt to not do shit except Judge!!!! and all the drivers can watch as NOPI's disorganization strangles drifting!!!!!
nopi is a joke.. its going to kill pro drifting in the states, i'm sure nopi drift will soon fall apart even more until there is nothing left and sponsors lose interest.

as far as mike peters goes, all the personal attacks made towards his family members, was uncalled for. as far as his judging goes i cant say anything because i wasn't there, but i hear so many complaints.

and as far as his attitude goes, yeah it gets kinda shitty sometimes. but hey everyone has opinions.
as far as mike peters goes, all the personal attacks made towards his family members, was uncalled for. as far as his judging goes i cant say anything because i wasn't there, but i hear so many complaints.

I keep hearing this but every time I ask so I can tell you why the judges made the call they made I don't get a response.

If its something I already haven't gone over lmk, please.
i havent read the whole thread.. but from reading this page. i geuss im not the only one that was dissapointed as hell with the event. Id like my 30 bux back as well.
but fuck it lesson learned.

Just put simply, Im never going to a Nopi Event ever again.
( nor will i advertise for them on my site.. )
wasent there.....dont care...but mike peters is cool with me....the 360's into the banks are g'ed the fuck up! gets respect in my book until he pisses me off then he will feel the wrath of this 5'5 185 lbs lil guy!:bigthumbu:laugh:
I keep hearing this but every time I ask so I can tell you why the judges made the call they made I don't get a response.

If its something I already haven't gone over lmk, please.

I'll be the bad guy and just say it.

The majority of people watching drift events have no idea what's going on or how its supposed to be judged.

Same shit goes on in FD or when Americans watch D1, so I wouldn't even waste time trying to explain your decisions. I judged one event in my life and I will never do it again. There were conspiracy theories up the ass about that event and shit talking about me going on left and right...even though I wasn't the only judge and the other judges' decisions were almost always perfectly consistent with mine. Being a judge for a drift event SUCKS.
it wasn't really mike peters as much as it was nopi as a whole.

i'm definately never attending an event of nopi's neither will the majority of
I'll be the bad guy and just say it.

The majority of people watching drift events have no idea what's going on or how its supposed to be judged.

Same shit goes on in FD or when Americans watch D1, so I wouldn't even waste time trying to explain your decisions. I judged one event in my life and I will never do it again. There were conspiracy theories up the ass about that event and shit talking about me going on left and right...even though I wasn't the only judge and the other judges' decisions were almost always perfectly consistent with mine. Being a judge for a drift event SUCKS.

well we had some people in/near the judges stand (not bladder) starting rumors about blake being too close so we DQ'ed him, which is just assinine, and God knows what else there is similar to that, which I'd really like to stop.
Reading what i wrote again, it sounds like i was filled with piss and vinegar. I had some mud butt yesterday so maybe that was it.

But I guess what I mean is that people are uninformed. It would be smart to make a video explaining how judging criteria are determined and what to look for so that the spectators can understand better and enjoy the sport more. Even drifters don't know. Basically unless you've done a couple competitions or have been given the unpleasant opportunity to judge an event, you probably don't know what to look for.
we were going to do that every event for the tv guy on setup day, and have :30 explaining exactly what we were looking for, but we didn't have tiem at moroso.
I havn't met you yet mike, but my crew tells me how awesome you are, and i respect what you do...Fuck those complaining bitches...And hot karl sends love:D
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