Calling you out!

so basically drifting fails in florida because not all the drivers can afford body kits and paint? they can just afford to go out and actually drift? if everyone had cars with nice wheels great fitment and body kits but they sucked and just spun out all day the spectators would still want to come see that?

Fuck yeah it better than watching everyone suck with shitty looking cars which is the state Florida is in right now.
K All In All We All Understand Fl Need To Do Something To Get One The Map.
No More Talking About How Bad We're Doing,

From Now On Lets Just Talk About How We Can Improve
If I wasnt so busy with work I'd go down for the FARA demo, (Sorry for not calling you back Moe, I got your voicemail)
I agree with what Dan said about Drifting in FL...
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you know how annoying it is driving everywhere in a bucket seat?? not everyone is down with that.
drivers need to learn to drive before making their car MTV ready.. the car can look badass but guess what- it's still going be boring as shit to watch if they suck! if you want to see some nice paint and body kits check out Tower Shoppes on Friday nights when you move down here.
so the few people that are attending local practice events should just quit? nice!!!
how many events have you been to in Florida to promise me that the reason events do poorly in fan turnout is because of flatblack cars rockin' steelies?
yea it'd be cool for everyone to have nice looking cars with baller wheels.......... i'm not disagreeing with that lol
Here goes lol.
First off, LOL at the Nascar comment.
2nd, I rocked a caged bucket s14 for a full year, it was my daily. Honestly, rocking my Corbeau FX1 wide (I am 6'2 360 lbs) is more comfortable to me then my stock supra seats. Very supportive. But I also drove a pink car around for 3 months, so my opinion may be invalid in this sense.
3rd, I've only been to one event, and it was a "skidpad" event. The most recent one, it was the only time I've been to any event in Florida. I agree with drivers needing to learn 100% before they spend ballerspec money, but if you look at the general public, while I was there at that one event, there were a good maybe 5 or 6 cars, rocking steelies, or flat black rattle can jobs, with sr's. why is there an sr in the car? if ur learning, swapping an sr shouldn't have been the first modification done to the car.
I'm not gonna tell people how they should modify their cars, but a typical misconception that i've seen in FL is that power is a necessity of drifting, which is in fact, a fallacy. Having been a staffer at quite a few events, I can honestly tell u, yes, watching a pretty car fuck up is alot more intruiging then watching an ugly ass car fucking up. That is not my point though.
There are many on here that complain that drifting isn't getting the attention it deserves. Florida needs to get on the map. If you wanna get on the map, you have to step your game up. period. Whether u like it or not, thats the case.
And not to be an asshole, but if you cannot afford used tires, or are complaining about venue prices, or anything of this nature, (not to be tha dick to say it) but yes, quit. Events in FL range from 15-55 dollars from what I see. If you are bored i urge you to visit any midwestern forum for drifting, events this year are 180 dollars per driver. these aren't FD events, these are the events that we learn at. Most events are split, beginner, intermediate, and advanced. spectators are typically family and friends, and then once word gets out, friends of friends are gonna come watch, to see cool cars do cool things. SO yes, in order for FL to get on the map, Cool cars are gonna have to do cool things.

In conclusion, Florida has some of the most inexpensive entry fees I have ever seen. The talent is here, its all about the execution. Gaining recognition seems to be the consensus of what our goal is. So since thats the case, step your game up, and everything will fall into place.
so basically drifting fails in florida because not all the drivers can afford body kits and paint? they can just afford to go out and actually drift? if everyone had cars with nice wheels great fitment and body kits but they sucked and just spun out all day the spectators would still want to come see that?
once again, finding a car that u like, that is attractive to you, as a spectator I am going to watch that car, and hope that it begins to succeed. So yes, a prettier car doing tha same shitty driving is more enticing.

I would go out to Orlando, but it's finals week next week and school comes first..... which I think is total crap.
School should come first, don't fuck it biggest regret in life...

Fuck yeah it better than watching everyone suck with shitty looking cars which is the state Florida is in right now.

K All In All We All Understand Fl Need To Do Something To Get One The Map.
No More Talking About How Bad We're Doing,

From Now On Lets Just Talk About How We Can Improve

Lets do it, I'm not here to talk shit, I'm here to shut the haters up and get shit going. I WANT FL to be on the map. People keep talking about getting on tha map, lets do it!

sorry for tha rant, its 3 AM, I've had a long ass nite and felt compelled to reply now. I'ma go through this all and clean it up in tha morning if theres anything that doesn't make sense.
actually... s30 is 69-78... s130 is the chassis designation for 79-83. MY zxt is an 83 nissan 280zx Turbo:D. lol. InZigued... lol :)
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