Bored At Work

MiaS13 said:
im like falling out of my chair

Can you listen to music there? If you can, check this out. Its a little odd yet refreshingly different. Funky and smart. <3 it. Chromeo.

Tonymac said:
Can you listen to music there? If you can, check this out. Its a little odd yet refreshingly different. Funky and smart. <3 it. Chromeo.


Very interesting. NOt to bad either. Not to many people use that Voice Modulator anymore. Are they new?
z4k said:

Very interesting. NOt to bad either. Not to many people use that Voice Modulator anymore. Are they new?

I only just heard about them not too long ago (like a month or so ago) but according to wiki they've been around for some time.
Aerok180 said:
hahahaha well what the hell have you been doing??
:laugh: :laugh:

ah long night, i really thought that it was thur though untill i read your post holy shit i need to stop drinking.

omg i get payed today too..... sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
Good morning all.
It's such an ugly rainy morning :(
Everyone was going like -5 miles an hour, and braking every 2 seconds.
Why is it that as soon as a few droplets of rain hit the car, peoples brains just turn to oatmeal and stop functioning properly?

Whatever, at this point I'm semi dry. The bottom of my jeans are soaked, however water did not get inside my puma shoes (product placement ftw).
Oh, and I've got my omnipresent cup of coffee ^_^
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good morning all, the weather is beautiful today is it not. gotta love how in SUNNY MIAMI you only get two weather choices. hot as AFRICA on a summer day or the shittiest of the shit weather.

I'm hyper as fuck this morning in a hey I just took 40mg of adderall sort of way. I think its b/c today is the first day I don't feel sick at all. YES! Good thing too b/c I have 2 tests tomorrow that I need to study for!!!
LOL!!!. besides the fact that im freezing and by the looks of it ill be hitching a ride on noahs ark home not much
yea, everything is flooded.
Oh, and I made someone's day really miserable today.
I was driving over to work, and the streets are flooded ok, there's no swerving to the left to avoid puddles, there's water everywhere, I just wanna throw that out there.

So there's a guy on a bike.. on the sidewalk... and I think you know where this is going.
I totally soaked him.
I'm sorry man on the bike :(

I'm gonna have bad karma today, so I'm going to have to do something nice for a bike owner today.
natariix said:
yea, everything is flooded.
Oh, and I made someone's day really miserable today.
I was driving over to work, and the streets are flooded ok, there's no swerving to the left to avoid puddles, there's water everywhere, I just wanna throw that out there.

So there's a guy on a bike.. on the sidewalk... and I think you know where this is going.
I totally soaked him.
I'm sorry man on the bike :(

I'm gonna have bad karma today, so I'm going to have to do something nice for a bike owner today.

Oh MY! you should be ashamed of yourself girl.....bad...bad! :laugh:
I threw an Arizona iced tea bottle at a car once after they went flying through a parking lot, nailed a totally avoidable puddle, and soaked me with nasty couple day old water. Trust me though, it was a blind reaction - I'm too skinny to be a tough guy lol.
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