auto technician program feedback. i need some help

i did the one year accelerated program and i get a certificate for it i have not yet applied for any job yet but when you do the 2 year as program they place you at a dealer ship and you work half and do schooling half.
The medical field isn't for everyone either. If you need a deeper view of The different medical fields.
With a degree in mechanical engineering you will get alot better paying job then something with an automotive degree, There are tons of people with mechanical engineering degrees working for Automotive manufacturers, Aftermarket Engine/Suspension Companies and Race Teams. its obviously going to be more expensive and take more time, but if engineering isnt your thing then i would say get a mechanics degree. Shit, if you get both degrees it will look super good on your resume and land you a pretty good job somewhere working with cars.
Yeah UTI is a rip, I only went there because it didnt' cost me a dime in tuition. I never wanted to work at a dealer but UTI just leads you down that path. Hell I went through Mercedes benz elite and I worked at a benz dealer for a year before I realized that hey this isnt what I wanted to do. I just went to UTI to get my grandfather off my back because he had a college fund setup for me when I was 4 years old. I had to use the money for something and I didnt want to go to a real college. Now I wish I would have gone. Thats one of the reason's im in the airforce is so I can get ahold of the GI bill when I get out and get a real education.

I say what ever you do in the end stick with getting a degree you'll be glad you have it even if you never end up using it for your career. It will only help you get jobs.
Mark, think about this before you give up on your degree and schooling at FIU. Can you do a/c's for ever?? My dad has a similar situation setup for me, but to be honest he bust his ass everyday and has been doing it for his whole life. I don't want to be the same, college may not be entertaining and a job may not be given to you afterward but I like my chances a lot more with a degree. If you don't fancy engineering, talk to an adviser discuss your interest and figure out what career path is right for you. People make fun of me for doing hospitality and say does that make money? Hell yes it makes money and I have a shit load of fun doing it. I did research and talk to a ton of people who graduated with the degree. You should do the same and find something that works for you.
I have a good friend that is a BMW tech at a dealer and another a Ferrari tech at the Collection dealership. Both of them are always crying misery because they say there is no work. Sure you get paid well by the hour but if there is no work you get no hours at all. Sometimes they tell me they worked a 40 hour week with only 18 hours paid. Not cause they suck, but because they have no work.

Also now when they need to work on their cars they put it off for as long as possibe. After working on other peoples cars all day they dont care to work on their own. I always hear it from them saying they wish they would have gone to college instead.

I totally know how you feel. I am a total slacker and I cant study or do homework without getting distracted or just not wanting to do it at all. It took me shy of 4 years to finish college and now i am in FIU.

It totally blows and everyday I wish I could drop out, but I know in the end if there is no real degree there is no monies. At least not a healthy amount. So I stick to it!

Maybe just take 2 classes a semester? It would take long but one day you'll graduate instead of never.

Best of luck!
unoh in ohio is pretty rad, you can get a 4 year degree too when you graduate, no academics involved, and they got a skid pad, also for curriculum you can build your own motor and dyno your car :)
i went to uti and i can say what you put in is what you get out. I will say you can learn the same exact thing at robert morgan. All uti does is look good on your application. But any asshole off the street that has a "love" for cars can go to school there, get a degree, not know shit, and get your job at a dealer. Not only that the dealr will then realize that they hired a total idiot and never hire anyone else from uti ever again. When i attended uti i could not find a job anywhere in central fl. No one wanted uti students because the majority of them don't know shit. I was lucky enough to find a job at a used car dealer in the hood as head tech but that was paying enough just to get by and my tuiton had racked up. HONDAPACT is way better. You could end up on a honda racing team you never know.I have also been thinking about engineering because i love cars etc. and would rather DESIGN a motor than work on it. Also money can be made in the automotive field. You just have to know how to flip it to work for you. In the end just get as many degrees and certifications you possibly can. Never stop learning. im 23 yrs old and just came to realize this recently. I will go to school for whatever as long as im learning something new that i can make money off of
You should get into something with computers, thats where the money is at. Im going to study Computer Engineering/Electrical Engineering and it may take alot of math that we all hate. But it pays REAL good for not so much blood, sweet and tears. Try looking into it bro...
so im going to fiu now and thinking of doing mechanical engineering. but i feel like i am paying for this ( no financial aid ) and i dont want to do it. i want to pursue what i like and that is cars and working on them. but i also dont want to be stuck making no money in life. i am really confused and i dont know what to do. is anyone in one of those programs ( uti, wyotech, sheridan tech etc) or has graduated and can give me a little feedback. thanks

dude stick to school, and once you are banking, then spend it on cars.

the automotive repair market isnt what it used to be. I work at a dodge dealer and my worst pay period was a little under 60 hours and that was for 2 weeks of being at work. Though the highest ive ever had was 135, and that was a nice paycheck. And I dont know anyone around where I am that went to UTI or wyotech. Its mostly a lot older guys that have been doing it for 20-40 years and are all master techs.Chrysler doesnt do ASE really, they have their own schooling that you do when you get a job there. A lot of its done online others is a live class you got for a day or two.
Automotive tech is suck at this point in life. If you planing on doing mechanic because you have the joy of working on car's, make sure you're really enjoying it. Not just because you "like". Like for instence you could put so many hour on working on a problem, But yet you wouldn't mind because it's fun for you? And you love to see how broken car's come in, leave the shop running. Then you should go to school for it, And build a career. Otherwise if you do not have these joy. It will turn out to be a really big headach for you. At the end all you'll have is a big regret and such a waste of time and money. If you planning on to choose a career make sure your going the right path. That's a smart move that you made this thread befor you decided on doing somthing that you might not like doing at the end. Look it up. Do more research. Find out if these skill are for you.
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My brother is about to get his masters. And is a school teacher.
when he got his BA he looked and their was nothing by where is kid was living. And now that he about to get his Masters He left his goverment night job and took his degree to become a teacher. Alot less pay he tells (I knew that duh) But he is alot happier beibg around his son more.
So my point is if you do what you love you never work a day in your life.
Money can only take you so far but being happy you will live alot longer

Just my two lincolns

Billy Blaze
Like ABE said stay in school, fuck cars once you are done with school you can always fiddle with them as you please. I went to ATI, it was the worst decision I have ever made. I lost two years of my life, I am almost a junior at St.Thomas U, and I wished I can have those 2 years back. Get a real career, cars are a hobby and when you are settle and making your money you can always got back to them. At countyline an old redneck told me: "cars are fun, when you are making them better, faster, and stronger. But, once you just do maintenance on them, you start to hate them" Finish at FIU, put that diploma on your wall, and then you can have as much fun as you can.

My brother is about to get his masters. And is a school teacher.
when he got his BA he looked and their was nothing by where is kid was living. And now that he about to get his Masters He left his goverment night job and took his degree to become a teacher. Alot less pay he tells (I knew that duh) But he is alot happier beibg around his son more.
So my point is if you do what you love you never work a day in your life.
Money can only take you so far but being happy you will live alot longer

Just my two lincolns

Billy Blaze

Great post man, I am working on getting my B.A in secondary education and plan to get my master right after.
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i didnt go through reading all of this but just putting in my opinion, im going to UTI and i do not recommend it at all, they do have fairly good connections and if you pay attention and ask the right questions you can learn a lot, but out of all the classes ive been through so far the only thing ive learned anything on is manual transmissions and rear theyre built and setting backlash, shit like that... i can make very good money when i graduate, but then so can everyone else if they have the knowledge and skill to make it to a dealership without going through the school and spending the 30 grand... im already situated in orlando so im extremely close to transferring to UCF for business and accounting, im a math guy so i love numbers, i just want the most options open for me as possible, and even though its only a year i dont think UTI is worth the time or money...^^^very true my friend
***** UTI and ATI is a joke. i have seen people come out of ATI knowing less about cars!

mark, you sure you like cars THAT much? i will be honest with you. only reason i work on my car is cus i dont trust most mechanics to touch my car and its cheaper than paying someone to do the work for me.

i worked for two different dealerships (Bill Ussery Mercedes Benz and Maroone Chevy) and you have the ability to make good money but there will always be limitations. while working these jobs i sure as hell did not see my self doing that for a lifetime. its tiring, too many hrs, and its a constant headache. imaching remember when something breaks on your car and you got to fix it? well guess what? immagine you get that headache 10-20 times aday and they are usually different things. some easy some hard. and im some mechanic shops there is no forgiveness plan...ifyou fuck up or replace the wrong part..its automatically coming out of your your diagnostic skills have to be on point. also, its based on time.

do you know how mechanics get paid? for ever certain job you do there is a set time. and you will get paid for that set time...if you pass that set time...your only making that set time...
(personal example)
working at benz i had a CL600 with a break job. being a goofball i stripped one of the 2 bolts holding the caliper on... so i had to go through a mission to remove it. after 3hrs to removed the brake caliper with out damaging it or breaking anything else i only got paid for one hr of work. cus that what a brake job pays. so i worked 3hrs to only get paid 1hr and it wasnt my fault the bolt was rusted and snapped...but its not the owners fault either and trust me the dealership will much rather fire you than tell the costumer he is wrong.

so make sure you really know what you want. i see people making this mistake plenty of times since i took part in it.

i know school is hard but its hard for a reason. in some jobs you cant make simple mistakes so they need ot makes ure you know your stuff before you move on. thats the only reason they drill math at you.with that being said.

i have since then gone back to school and working on a medical career. and yes i like it just as much as i "like" cars.

listen to ralph, he means business.
one of my guide counselors in school was like "peoples job pay for the type of service they provide the community" that being said, mechanics should be up there with doctors when it comes to pay, with all the work, learning, paying for tools, diagnosing, ( yes i know its not like working on a human) but you get my point,

most people first of all look down on greasemonkeys, and with that comes the shitty payment. Im no mechanic, but at my job there have been a few 50 year old master mechs that passed by and worked a bit installing tires. so that should tell you how bad shit is.

If you are doing mechanical eng, trust me stay with that, theres a higher chance of you getting a better job/pay with that then with a mechanic degree.

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