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Haha, not only do I got the front end swap, but I also got those baller ass 180sx tail lights too. Oh and I do have a dohc asshat. Go try to sell your shit somewhere else...

you wish my ass was your hat

slow isnt baller
neither are ducks that wana look jdm kewl cuz theyre mom wont let them get a turbo. still not a warlock btw jay

dont talk bout my ALREADY SOLD product pussy or ill fuck your mom and steal your silvia shit after i nut, all over the breasts you drink from
You sure do talk alot of shit onilne buddy. And you sound like a little bitch kid with your momma jokes. The fact is, you dont know shit about anything. Kinda like how you assumed I had a sohc because I have a '90 car lol. You sell shitty products that to people and say "oh my bad". Its people like you that make buying shit from people sketchy. Someone pays money they worked hard for to buy something used, and after they buy it they end up spending more money to make it work the way it should have in the first place...

steal your silvia shit
Oh and your also a fuck, because you would be a low ass dirtbag and steal someones shit they worked for. You admit to being a piece of shit. And anyone with sence will not buy from you at all.
You sure do talk alot of shit onilne buddy. And you sound like a little bitch kid with your momma jokes. The fact is, you dont know shit about anything. Kinda like how you assumed I had a sohc because I have a '90 car lol. You sell shitty products that to people and say "oh my bad". Its people like you that make buying shit from people sketchy. Someone pays money they worked hard for to buy something used, and after they buy it they end up spending more money to make it work the way it should have in the first place...

Oh and your also a fuck, because you would be a low ass dirtbag and steal someones shit they worked for. You admit to being a piece of shit. And anyone with sence will not buy from you at all.

relax, it's obvious that this fuck thought that dohc couldn't be swapped in 90's 240...
Just to clear this whole situation up a little maybe it will help either side. 420sx bought the car from me. When I sold him the car I gave him the 5 lug hubs with it I never installed them on my car and I bought them from Burianstu I got them for a decent price like I said never installed them so if they were bad I guess blame me or Burianstu(not to get you involved Bryant) it's just a shitty situation. 420sx is not to blame, I am not to blame and Bryant is not to blame. I know the sitation sucks and I am not telling you to deal with it but I am sure 420sx never installed them on the car. Hope it helps clear shit up a little.
Just to clear this whole situation up a little maybe it will help either side. 420sx bought the car from me. When I sold him the car I gave him the 5 lug hubs with it I never installed them on my car and I bought them from Burianstu I got them for a decent price like I said never installed them so if they were bad I guess blame me or Burianstu(not to get you involved Bryant) it's just a shitty situation. 420sx is not to blame, I am not to blame and Bryant is not to blame. I know the sitation sucks and I am not telling you to deal with it but I am sure 420sx never installed them on the car. Hope it helps clear shit up a little.
yeah I'm very chill about it i'm not
blameing anybody just looking for a little help to solve the problem I'm not trying to ruin anybodies name here or to start bunch of shit it's been solved I just thought I was being avoided about the situtation that's whyi
started the thread and Im friends with Bryan and I'm not
pointing fingers at anybody
Idk about the other non sence going on
You sure do talk alot of shit onilne buddy. And you sound like a little bitch kid with your momma jokes. The fact is, you dont know shit about anything. Kinda like how you assumed I had a sohc because I have a '90 car lol. You sell shitty products that to people and say "oh my bad". Its people like you that make buying shit from people sketchy. Someone pays money they worked hard for to buy something used, and after they buy it they end up spending more money to make it work the way it should have in the first place...

Oh and your also a fuck, because you would be a low ass dirtbag and steal someones shit they worked for. You admit to being a piece of shit. And anyone with sence will not buy from you at all.
relax, it's obvious that this fuck thought that dohc couldn't be swapped in 90's 240...

no i just thought nobody would be stupid enough to waste their time and money to swap in a dohc, 180sx tails, silvia front and ugly rims when they could have put a kick ass engine in it for all that. but hay at least its jdm right? :laugh:

fuck you i should get a medal for being willing to resolve this bad bearing problem. not get flamed about being a bad seller by some flamer who hasnt bought shit from me. like anyone would listen to the words that come out of that cocksucker you call a mouth anyway

Just to clear this whole situation up a little maybe it will help either side. 420sx bought the car from me. When I sold him the car I gave him the 5 lug hubs with it I never installed them on my car and I bought them from Burianstu I got them for a decent price like I said never installed them so if they were bad I guess blame me or Burianstu(not to get you involved Bryant) it's just a shitty situation. 420sx is not to blame, I am not to blame and Bryant is not to blame. I know the sitation sucks and I am not telling you to deal with it but I am sure 420sx never installed them on the car. Hope it helps clear shit up a little.

thank you officer

yeah I'm very chill about it i'm not
blameing anybody just looking for a little help to solve the problem I'm not trying to ruin anybodies name here or to start bunch of shit it's been solved I just thought I was being avoided about the situtation that's whyi
started the thread and Im friends with Bryan and I'm not
pointing fingers at anybody
Idk about the other non sence going on

its cool the only one out here to ruin my name is that dick who stole it
just text me dude i dont think i saved your number and i never answer random numbers
wait you have ofc. dangles old s14 sr? so your talking crap about someone modding there car when you just went out and bought one with sr?
wait you have ofc. dangles old s14 sr? so your talking crap about someone modding there car when you just went out and bought one with sr?

i have 2 s14. they both need modding. especially dangles that sr is like halfway swaped. theyre projects and i like em oem and ugly
that guy started it first stealing my name then talking shit about my bartering skills. dont even tell me you would rather have a sil80 hatch over a fast hatch



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id rather have something i built and i worked on, at least your trying to clear your name and resolving this
Alex did just get a sil80. You gonna talk shit about his car too? And just for the record, if you look back the ONLY thing I said was dont confuse my name with yours because of your bad rep for this. And you started going on and on about this and that. So actually your the one who started talking shit. You just got sandy because our names are alike and you were pissed off because he started this thread about you. And you should get a medal for what? For doing what you should be doing? Like Alex said, atleast your trying to resolve this. I said what I had to say, and Im done, arguing thru the keyboard is stupid as fuck. Just dont be a douche and leave people hanging, thats why this whole thing started...

And Alex knows what Im talkin about when I say, fuck flip lights lol. Nothings better than the dual projectors. What other car had projectors in 89? None that I know of...
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Damn that sucks!Anyone who reads this dont confuse 420sx with me! Im Jay420sx lol. But yea you should burn him at the stake. Like Salem witch trials or something.

yup i totally started it

cuz my names 420sx not Gay420sx
id be orange too if i didnt think the skid pad is the same as a parking lot accept it costs money and you have to wait in line
yup i totally started it

cuz my names 420sx not Gay420sx
id be orange too if i didnt think the skid pad is the same as a parking lot accept it costs money and you have to wait in line

excpet it cost money, you cant get busted and throw in jail for it, and you can hang with cool people and get tips. :rolleyes:
projectors>flip up's. and 420sx> 420sx


this x10000

^Haha. I think more people agree with me buddy.

excpet it cost money, you cant get busted and throw in jail for it, and you can hang with cool people and get tips. :rolleyes:

Countyline is sweet... Still waitin on those pics Alex lol.

yup i totally started it

cuz my names 420sx not Jay420sx
id be orange too if i didnt think the skid pad is the same as a parking lot except it costs money and you have to wait in line

I dont see you thowing a bitch fit about the 1st guys comment... Like I said, you just got sandy so you start calling people fags, hating on cars and sayin yo momma jokes like a little 15 year old. Maybe you should go back to 9th grade learn how to spell and take notes on how much more mature those little kids sound than you.
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