10 years later 9/11/01

shit i was in the 3rd grade..

Same here.

I didnt know what was going on. The Principle came on the PA told all the teachers to turn on there TVs, and a little while after all the parents started coming for their kids taking them out. Seriously it was about three other kids and I that were just sitting there clueless. Time does fly.
I was in Middle school, in P.E. and I remember hearing my coach in his office in the locker room saying "WTF! Did you see that shit? The plane just hit the fucking building!" I saw it on the tv and thought that it was just a fucking movie whats the big deal? 30seconds later, the school went to lockdown, and they had announced that the trade centers were attacked.
I was in 9th grade in auto tech class. When they had the TV on and showing the damage from the first plane I was thinking wow what a dumbass dude just flew right into a fucking building. Then the second plane hit.

Now we all know what happened but I think the outcome of what has happened since 9/11 is worth looking at too.

the total number of people killed in the 9/11 attacks = 2,819
the estimated number of Iraqi's killed from 2003-2006 = 151,000+
the number of bombs dropped in contingency operations since 2001 = 50,890
Net explosive weight employed = 4.9 million tons

More than 130 times as many people have been killed in these wars and occupations than in all terrorist attacks in the world from 1993-2004, according to data compiled by the US State Department. More recent figures are un-available — after the 2004 report showed terrorism at an all-time high, numerous experts suggested that the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were fueling an increase in terrorism, and subsequent State Dept terror tallies have remained classified

All of that to get the few guys that planned it

was it worth it?
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So let me pose a question, less than 3000 of our people are worth 150,000 people that had nothing to do with it?

Also I am about as against communism as you can get. I hate central government anything. I also have never really cared that much about saving the environment either its all going to hell anyways regardless of what I do. But our bloodlust over what happened on 9/11 got us into a war with a country that had nothing to do with it, had no WMD's, had no credible threat to our national security and we have committed near genocide on their people.

How is that justified?
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I don't disagree with you, but how about you remember what you raised your hand to defend. Follow orders, you're not suppose to think or have feelings about it.

"I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God. "

I'm here to do a mission, fuck if I care about "winning hearts and minds".
"I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God. "

Thats the part that I take more serious than who is in office. These wars are unconstitutional. I am bound by Oath to speak out against them.

Also I received no direct order telling me on my own time not representing the military that I could not publicly disagree with how our government is Subverting the very document you and I swore to support and defend.
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WMD's were taken to the bekah (spelling) valley in syria when we launched our campaign into Iraq. That is why no WMD's were ever found. 150,000 of just civilians? Come on Piner you should know a little more than that. There is no glamour in war and sometimes we tend to get our hands a little dirty. We also helped rid of the Al Qaeda factions in Iraq and that is one of the reasons we went there besides the WMD's. I am pretty sure an oppressed people such as the Iraqi's would have loved to be under the dictatorship of Hussein then have had us over there breaking them free of that regime. I do believe that there is some conspiracy involved with all the things that happened that day and since but you, me or anyone else on this forum will most likely never know those secrets.
You are bound my oath to follow the orders of the officers appointed over you as well.

Stand at parade rest and just do your job. You're not a lobbyist.

Also, have you done a tour, or at least what you Air Force guys call a tour, in Iraq or Afghanistan? Anywhere in the Middle East? We're doing more than just what the news reports air and publish. This is a counter-insurgency operation after all.

We're literally spending trillions of dollars in these wars. The civilians say we need to go home, and I'm all for that, but I've realized that being the super power of the world. It's expected of America to fill this role. We're the Big Brother. The worlds most powerful military for a reason.

I'm not saying we should be here, I'm saying it's expected of us. We've taken this country out of the stone age.
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I am also pretty sure that we had the approval from congress for Afghan and Iraq instead of the celeb n' chief Barry Soto (obama's) war in Lybia.
First off, 'Japan101'. Libya is a NATO mission. Not American. France and Canada have the biggest roles in that operation.

The only thing we did was send the Air Force, even that ended a while back ago. I don't believe we're playing any kind of role there.

Last I heard, the rebel fighters were winning.
Well in the start of it we were given the lead role and stepped back to let Nato take control after pressure from our own government on the president to define what our role was. We were giving support with our Navy as well at that time as well and yes the rebel's are winning over there.
WMD's were taken to the bekah (spelling) valley in syria when we launched our campaign into Iraq. That is why no WMD's were ever found. 150,000 of just civilians? Come on Piner you should know a little more than that. There is no glamour in war and sometimes we tend to get our hands a little dirty. We also helped rid of the Al Qaeda factions in Iraq and that is one of the reasons we went there besides the WMD's. I am pretty sure an oppressed people such as the Iraqi's would have loved to be under the dictatorship of Hussein then have had us over there breaking them free of that regime. I do believe that there is some conspiracy involved with all the things that happened that day and since but you, me or anyone else on this forum will most likely never know those secrets.

If you actually believe that shit I am sorry, The CIA has stated several time that they have evidence that there were NO WMD's and there never were. http://articles.cnn.com/2006-04-23/us/cia.iraq_1_iraq-war-cia-official-naji-sabri?_s=PM:US

You guys have brains and sometimes it helps if you use them rather than spit out some drivel the News fed you. And if you attack the credibility of these sources then state why your sources are more reliable. Because its on TV? Yeah how long did they spend talking about Micheal Jackson after he died? Amazing journalism.
Piner, you're right. I haven't disagreed with any of your points on the existance of WMDs or the occupation of these countries.

On numerous occasions this has been admitted.

Also, it's no secret these wars take a backseat on any news forecast. The civilian population doesn't care anymore. They just want us all home.
I am also pretty sure that we had the approval from congress for Afghan and Iraq instead of the celeb n' chief Barry Soto (obama's) war in Lybia.

No we never had a formal declaration of war in either case. We haven't declared a war since WWII. The congress unconstitutionally delegated its war powers to the president.

Article 1 section 8 powers given to congress alone.

"To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;"

Libya is also illegal since we were involved in acts of war on another country (Bombing, air strikes) without declaration. Just because no ground troops were involved doesn't make it any less warlike.

Also yes I did do a tour at Bagram Air base in Afghanistan where I and my co workers built over 500 bombs that where dropped in country. We had rockets shot over us and at the bomb dump on a regular basis. On these pads we generally have thousands of pounds of explosives at a time.

Yes I have probably enabled hundreds of deaths by assembling those weapons.
CNN, GWU and the Washington Post I find hardly credible IMO. Still I have yet to go through all your links. Like I said before there are definitley conspiracies going on that will not be confirmed or denied. I read alot of news through the Jewish news links such as Shoresh, Jerusalem Post, Haaretz and so on. Sometimes WND and whatever else. I grew up in the intel and military community, most of this stuff is nothing new to me. Our mainstream and lefty wing and right wing news channels are mostly just filler now. Real news reporting went out the window ages ago.
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I was in 5th grade..

Btw jet fuel doesn't cause buildings to implode.

Thermite and explosives at the base of a building do though.
Buildings didn't explode dude. And I was in 6th grade. Thinking Damn shit happens. Piner has a great point. It's not an eye for eye here. We shouldn't have gone and killed thousands and thousands on civilains in Iraq and afganisthan. Man its bullshit and not worth the men who have died. And really the govermennt started it when they turned their backs on osama back in the day. Watch a movie called a war on democracy. Helps you get an ouyisde views of things. It's not a micheal Moore film. I'm not American and nor will I become a citizen. I don't agree with many and many views of the government and the way of life here. Just take a step back and see what people do and want.. makes you think man. Ranting on here anyways.... Sucks it happened and I feel for people who lost family members and for those fighting.
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