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  1. ilike2drive

    some help sliding with ebrake

    yeah thanks box mod and others i just need to drive out more but this helped me with a little more understanding of what should be going on. Im in a ka so revving it up and then releasing probably could of helped with any bogging or understeering going on.
  2. ilike2drive

    some help sliding with ebrake

    were getting into early entry's and lil more tech with ebraking. Bearcat i saw your 100mph entry so i take your word when it comes to some advice lol.
  3. ilike2drive

    some help sliding with ebrake

    yeah basiclly had no good runs at this past cfrc event trying to pratice with ebrake couldnt figure out what i was doing wrong. I was originally coming in 2nd but then i started coming in 3rd then id down shift to 2 second after pulling brake and getting ready to gas again but i was just way off...
  4. ilike2drive

    some help sliding with ebrake

    I get what your saying , i was trying to just hold the ebrake up too long then getting on the throttle too late. Lets say your doing like hard short grabs between the process of letting the ebrake down and then up again would you be going back to throttle than back to clutching in then back to...
  5. ilike2drive

    some help sliding with ebrake

    I usually wouldn't post to ask something like this but i wanted some input. Since iv started sliding iv always had a good clutch have usually always clutch kicked or power over type thing. But I just recently got my ebrake fixed up and it locks up well, but really cant use it all to well...
  6. ilike2drive

    Welded Diff

    welded is cheapest and best mod, works great for drifting just don't be stupid on the road with it and you wont spin out or anything and be careful in rain.
  7. ilike2drive

    Testing Waters! Tandem Only Event! Poll!

    more people with cages means more cool events, and getting better. I want a cage, maybe end of year i can afford to at least buy a s&w and have a friend weld it. Hope this event goes down tho
  8. ilike2drive

    Bill Sherman

    they just trying to keep florida down son
  9. ilike2drive

    Testing Waters! Tandem Only Event! Poll!

    i wana see this happen, and yeah i get what you guys are saying we don't really have the venue or enough people that could come up to a bash type thing but this tandem only event would def. work for alot of you og's that go out far for events just to tandem.
  10. ilike2drive

    Testing Waters! Tandem Only Event! Poll!

    why dont you make a big florida bash type thing have all the dudes with cage's come out and tandem together and also some potential for spaced out runs for ppl with no cages. or just the first part if you really wana keep it strictly tandem.
  11. ilike2drive

    CFRC june 19th

    yeah $200 is steep for me right now, i haven't been to a event in a bit so i'll be going to cfrc
  12. ilike2drive

    CFRC june 19th

    its $40 to drive and $10 to spectate, and yeah its the same day as fam event. But its a much cheaper alternative if you want to drive and you cant afford to go to the fam event, theres no word on layout yet. I'm sure it it will be along the lines of jdm up's layout
  13. ilike2drive

    CFRC june 19th

    Anybody coming up June 19th its from 9am to 2pm
  14. ilike2drive

    nice vid

    I was living in houston before moving back to florida back in 06 drift scene was dying out in houston. from what i understand aaron loosey came and starting throwing more events to grow back drift scene which def. has. Theres events with cash involved and also just big events to have everyone...
  15. ilike2drive

    nice vid

    it would be nice if the scene got strong enough to have good events like that here, texas has been holding it down with some pretty good events
  16. ilike2drive

    JDM UP's "This is a battle ground" - May 15

    they just need to get k-rails and possibly more cones to keep the drivers within line, also how was the judging exactly based on
  17. ilike2drive

    2010 FD Pro-Am Rule Book

    it would be cool if it were just divided into different classes. like for instance if there was like a street legal class or by mods like a unlimited class
  18. ilike2drive

    2010 FD Pro-Am Rule Book

    its just gone farther away from the true roots.
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