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  1. racerx

    Ter-Tech/Drift 411 event at Moroso Sept.2nd Pro Am qualifier

    When can we register
  2. racerx

    Ter-Tech/Drift 411 event at Moroso Sept.2nd Pro Am qualifier

    When can we register :bigthumbu
  3. racerx

    Ter Tech Moroso Skid Pad Event.

    Thanks 4 pics
  4. racerx

    Video Ter-Tech Moroso Practice

    That video just showed me how much i really suck :D :D
  5. racerx

    Ter Tech Moroso Skid Pad Event.

    I cant post pics for some odd reason I had sil80 with red bumper :D
  6. racerx

    Pre regs are open for Moroso july 7th and Punta gorda

    Had an awsome time thank you for coming through ter-tech :D :bigthumbu :D :bigthumbu
  7. racerx

    Pre regs are open for Moroso july 7th and Punta gorda

    update list to check if i am on it :bigthumbu
  8. racerx

    OSW drift #5

    The event was nice the only thing Idid not like was the fact that it was on a sunday I had to leave the event 12:00 to get back to miami :D
  9. racerx

    OSW Dorifto Jam #5!!!!!!

    Is the event still going to happen i am gonna go and i am driving leaving from miami so I want to make sure the event is still on for this sunday 06/17 :)
  10. racerx

    Ter-Tech drift event at Moroso June 2nd.

    :D if any body cant go pleas let me go for you I was out of the states and did not get a chance pre-reg
  11. racerx

    2nd Drift comp in the Dominican Republic

    more pics sorry for delay :D
  12. racerx

    2nd Drift comp in the Dominican Republic

    I will post more pics later tonight :d
  13. racerx

    2nd Drift comp in the Dominican Republic

    here are some pics :D Will post more pics later .
  14. racerx

    Can anybody help me with my s2000?

    hi I use to own an S2K when drifting the electronic steering would really mess me up there is a deley or something I would really feel the difference once I would get in my s13 and drift other then that s2k has a preety good steering angle compared with a 350Z or M3
  15. racerx

    Drifting at Homestead

    hello how do you I get my name on that list :D
  16. racerx

    port chalotte March 10th

    would like to go i need info of where and how much to drift anybody pleas
  17. racerx

    Feb 25 Ter-Tech Drift Event (Videos)

    thANKS Thanks For The Vids To Who Ever Posted Them Now I Know Why I Did Not Make Top 16
  18. racerx

    Ter-Tech Feb. 25 Drift Event

    how was my driving I really would like to have some one tell me if they saw one of my runs. If so let me know where i messed up or what i did right or worng all i want to know is what i need to work on to improve I was driving the sil with the red bumper half white & half gray body I would...
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