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  1. F

    A little help?

    Sounds crazy I know. But is more then just a photo studio. Its video and sound too. My dad has been doing video for along time and about a year ago he got in to photography. He knows a lot more then I do. I know we are hiring a photographer But I really want to learn also.
  2. F

    A little help?

    My dad and I are opening a photo studio. But I need some help with composing a descent photo.The link below is to my flickr and has some of the picters I have taken on it. Let me know any tricks or tips so I can better myself. Please be easy on me because I am just starting. Thank you...
  3. F

    WPB People

    How about I beat you both up and we all call it even.
  4. F

    WPB People

    If fighting is the only way to end this please just do it all ready.
  5. F

    WPB People

    That's fucked up. I really don't want to be in the middle of this...
  6. F

    WPB People

    I don't understand why you think his life fails.
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