Your life and drifting


Trolling hard since '09
Do you feel that drifting has interfered in your life in any way, shape, or form?

Some areas may include but not limited to:

-Your wallet





These can either be positive effects or negative effects.

Ok here's my take on drifting:

I get my check and order random shit. So yah i'm broke.

I call in sick satuday nights at work to attend countyline

I had to withdrawl from accounting at school because I went street sliding before the night of my test and failed it.

My ex broke up with me because I was into drifting a bit too much (4-year relationship)

My mom wants to kill me because I turned our patio into a used tires pit

All in all, sometimes I wonder if it's worth the trouble...

Well, IT IS... <3
It's taken over my life. I could do other shit but I like killing tires. Real Drifting takes a certain type of person, its not for everyone. Like AK said, eat sleep shit drift, sometimes not even eat or sleep...

it sucks sometimes but if you wanna do it and go big you gotta go through sacrifice.
Drifting is foken fantastic. I enjoy it, but because of bullshit reasons here and there I have never had the car ready for Countyline tech standards. I go through a set of tires in about two months eating shit here and there but honestly I'm not ready to make THAT all or nothing sacrifice yet. However I feel that since there IS people with talent and ready to drop sweat blood and tears to make it, I can do my part for the scene helping organize events and supporting the guys that want to go to the next step.

Props to all the dudes and chicks that give it all they got to drift every chance.... I hope to drive next to you guys one day, till then I'll do what I can to push you all forward!

Drifting is a whore. It takes all your money and leaves you with a nasty disease called AIDS! Addicted In Drifting Syndrome..
The amount of seat time you get for the amount of work/money put in is thought to be not worth it, but we keep doing this shit anyways. Drifters are retarded and so is drifting. Therefore me and my hobby are retarded. Drift is evil!!!! It has taken all my money over the past few years. I think I might start paying my friends to let me drift their cars lol.
i was 14 when i started getting into drifting, i am now 20, realizing drifting will probably never make me famous.
yes it has left me broke, yes my car does not run yet.., and yes it will probably never be where id want it to be, but so what as long as i enjoy it im happy.
Well I'm just starting it but here's my outake.

My wallet is empty my paychecks go to parts/tires.

Been to lazy to sign up for classes for school cause when I don't have work I'm working on my car.

My relationship is going to shit cause she claims I choose drifting over her. Which sadly I'm starting to realize I do.

My dad supports me my mom hates me.

It's all I think about. Lol
Well I'm just starting it but here's my outake.

My wallet is empty my paychecks go to parts/tires.

Been to lazy to sign up for classes for school cause when I don't have work I'm working on my car.

My relationship is going to shit cause she claims I choose drifting over her. Which sadly I'm starting to realize I do.

My dad supports me my mom hates me.

It's all I think about. Lol

Real talk, get out of drifting if its screwing your life up too bad. Start saving up money and making some bank, sign up for classes lol, tell your gf u wanna fuck, and slap your mom for not supporting you even though she was right.

Start thinking pussy and gettin ice cream wasted!
Real talk, get out of drifting if its screwing your life up too bad. Start saving up money and making some bank, sign up for classes lol, tell your gf u wanna fuck, and slap your mom for not supporting you even though she was right.

Start thinking pussy and gettin ice cream wasted!

It's too much fun lol. I'm only 18 I still have some time to get my priorites straight. My job sucks which is why I'm broke. School yeah I'm lazy I should sign up. Gf... Uhh yeah that's my fault I'm messing up. Mom whatever lol.
Drifting makes me broke and my school grades have dropped a fuck ton since I got into it. I've never had a job =/. But Drifting does attract girls my age, so that's about the only good thing to it haha.
It's too much fun lol. I'm only 18 I still have some time to get my priorites straight. My job sucks which is why I'm broke. School yeah I'm lazy I should sign up. Gf... Uhh yeah that's my fault I'm messing up. Mom whatever lol.

Yo dont make the same mistake that I did... Pretend that I had responsabilities, Yo we're young enjoy your life, just dont drop school man im gonna be 24 next week and I still dont have a semester in school... I love this shit i would love to be drifting but I dont know anybody, I dont have people to help me out thats why I dont drift.
I love drifting. I try not to let it distract me

The only thing that it has changed in my life is how I will carry myself with friends. Long story short .. I met a girl through the scene, we both liked each other and I took things slow. I shared some info with one of my best friends and he took advantage of it and threw me under the bus to put pussy on a pedestal. Just the other night, I thought he was going to smash a curb because he was drifting balls to the walls trying to impress someone :rolleyes:

It's sad when even your closest friends envy you

Besides that, it hasn't changed my life much. I'm always working on cars or going to the track. I simply got bored with street and drag racing, and found the closest thing I could find to road racing without costing hundreds of dollars per event. If drift events were still expensive or never blew up locally, I'd be autocrossing
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