WPB People

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i didnt slide, i dont care about what anyones says about me, but i had a feeling, and right as i was about to turn my car and hop on the bandwagon, everyone says nope cops.....sooooo when i have feelings, like everytime i have left early so far, especially at church st. cops have come. just saying, i honestly cannot get in trouble. i love it with all my heart, but countyline is where ima stay.

enough of my ramble, but it was really cool to see DANGLE, BERT, CHRIS, SAM, BILL FISHER, and all the others that came up from the mia area. im sorry it wasnt better and sean, next time i go to countyline, i will pick u up first ok baby.
yes that was john and hes a cool guy i saved you guys asses out there because i work at that place you all were hang out in front of i told the cops i was just coming to tell you guys to leave because i said that you can here it in woodbine (near by place) and thats were who ever call the cops called from so... dont go there anymore they have 8 calls on that spot
yes that was john and hes a cool guy i saved you guys asses out there because i work at that place you all were hang out in front of i told the cops i was just coming to tell you guys to leave because i said that you can here it in woodbine (near by place) and thats were who ever call the cops called from so... dont go there anymore they have 8 calls on that spot

im not sure who this is, but damn, that spot is no good anymore!
im not sure who this is, but damn, that spot is no good anymore!

the guy with the wide s13 they wanted to take all the cars there was one other guy with me dont know him...

this one.. some of the guys know me i dont go one this form much

i wanna get ahold of those pics that cop took we were all posen like idiots lol, too bad about my tire ,but oh well i wouldnt have been able to slide much longer anyways because of the popo, the only thing that was gay was the HUGE crowd of spectators , still a fun night though
yes i got stopped and searched. yes i carry, and have a permit no laws were broken on my part. the cops were just checking everything to make sure i'm legal. as for sal or what ever your name is. you run your mouth alot but have nothing to show. you were riding bitch in the back seat of a car cause your shit doesn't run. i don't own nor run any company i just work there. so get your facts right. but if you have any kind of a problem please feel free to talk to me about it. Jermey don't know what your problem is but you can feel free to come see me about it also. Thank you

anybody got pics or video from last night?
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Jermey don't know what your problem is but you can feel free to come see me about it also. Thank you

ladies ladies ladies......cmon were all out here to have a good time, yes u had a gun but uve got concealed right? ( i want one as soon as i turn 21) sal u got some good pics, this guy didnt get in trouble nor did he get us in trouble. it was a decent night, and we all love what we were there for!
ladies ladies ladies......cmon were all out here to have a good time, yes u had a gun but uve got concealed right? ( i want one as soon as i turn 21) sal u got some good pics, this guy didnt get in trouble nor did he get us in trouble. it was a decent night, and we all love what we were there for!

yes i have a permit. i've carried for ever. and no i didn't get in trouble. the cops were really cool with me. we were bullshitting around after everyone left. but thats besides the point. this kid runs his mouth. he's what 19 and works as a bagboy?
yes i have a permit. i've carried for ever. and no i didn't get in trouble. the cops were really cool with me. we were bullshitting around after everyone left. but thats besides the point. this kid runs his mouth. he's what 19 and works as a bagboy?

hes not a bagboy and yeah he is only 19 but where do you want him to work? big deal if he talks shit. so does everyone else. sals a cool kid. i bet ppl run there mouth and talk shit about you because you always have these sick cars but dont do anything with them. and its not like you havent ever talked shit before right?
ok ok ok, this is a west palm beach drifting thread, you guys wanna fight, do it elsewhere. As far as im concerned, this is getting way off topic and I'd rather just discuss the epic slide session that went down last night.

So, with that being said, you guys did an awesome job, overall turnout was quite surprising, but awesome none the less. If anyone has pics or video, post em up!

The blue stock miata was tearing it up even though the grass isn't part of the line, hehe, try entering a little later or getting some more speed. Bert started off kinda weak, but quickly learned the line and eventually put it to shame, lol (manjiing the whole damn place). The rest of you (that actually had the balls to slide) did an awesome job just for the mere fact that you took the initiative to drive and learn.

Again, great job guys! Can't wait till next week, woot!
we have a new location for next week, it will stay secret and only the people who r gunna rip r goin, so meet sonics as usual, then jeremy takes us out! SHHHHH
we have a new location for next week, it will stay secret and only the people who r gunna rip r goin, so meet sonics as usual, then jeremy takes us out! SHHHHH

Didn't see you "rippin it" lol, jk dude, put that car to use next time!
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