Who is up for a meet in Coconut Creek?

lol nah its just good to go somewere n not havin to be able to get pulled over for a fckin muffler
^exactly, it's just some ppl hangin out. You don't have to go hektec lol...
lyons n wiles is str8 someone said a trickys meet thats fin funny but truthfully that would b a good spot lights parkin everything there used to b a meet on 441 glades on mondays. the reason i dont think it should b fridays cause everyones gonna wanna go out n shit do it like wensdays cause thats mid week and will prepare the weekend feel me plus no one aint doin shit then let me know where n when id like to b there someone also said 441 wiles across the street from home depot theres a target mad lights steak n shake taco bell mc ds and kfc for food idk if the po po would fuck with us as longs as jerkoffs arent drifting the parking lot n shit
I asked what day ppl wanted to do it on, and a couple ppl said Friday. I'm down for whenever. But for the people who do want to go tomm we can discuss a day change then. I think the only other good day would be Wednesday....
its tomorow friday it starts at 9:30 but everyone says there showing up at 10 so witch ever time between then
ill b there at 9:30 and time and place is posted up all over thread just read it and yo black240sx bring out the tacoma that shits sick
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