Who hates their Job??

Yeah I noticed that, I think it might have something to do with Nick Hogan coming out of retirement and posting here, I see his posts are gone too.
work sucks every day i work in a fucken shop and stare at the same piece of shit cars and the same old shit every day for about 5 years and i am tierd of haveing to work on my shit at night im tierd of not working in the performance industry "but do some times" but you know what even raffi knows in due time all will work out as planed all will work out so suck it up and moveing on with the day now work sucks but dreams do come true if your dedicated enough.................. :bigthumbu
Flatline slider said:
work sucks every day i work in a fucken shop and stare at the same piece of shit cars and the same old shit every day for about 5 years and i am tierd of haveing to work on my shit at night im tierd of working in the performance industry but you know what even raffi knows in due time all will work out as planed all will work out so suck it up and moveing on with the day now work sucks but dreams do come true if your dedicated enough

well said..........
Lately I've just whored myself... not that I hate any of the things I do... but lately I have not even had the time to chill with friends... which is really shitty. But I need that $$ for the car.

I go to school full-time, work 35 hours a week at KO Performance, and still tutor accounting 1,2 and 3 on the side.

The things I do for drifting.

- Erick
Aerok180 said:
isn't it.....like everything dissappeared.....i want an explanation NOW Bladder!!!!!

It got pwned when the webhost decided to do some emergency repairs to the server. They backed up the database at a time when this topic was at 2 pages.

Oh and aside from traffic (people can't drive), the heat (no a/c), and my step-dad (his bitching), I enjoy my job.
M4NFRED pwn these suckers!!! They got jobs, and I hate mine too!!!! Advance auto parts FTL!!!! I think everybody hate their job one way or another cause its something you dont want to do.
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